Kamis, 12 November 2020

The Chip Boom is Just Beginning

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That didn't take long!

A mere 12 days ago, I double-dared you to ignore the burgeoning trend in semiconductor manufacturing equipment shipments.

You'll recall, this is the equipment required to make more chips.

It's at the very front of the value and supply chains — and therefore, it represents the first step required to bring about big growth.

In other words, it's a reliable leading indicator. And if you listened to me, it's already led you to profits of more than 20% (and counting).

Not bad for less than two weeks' worth of investing, right?

The good news is, this trend is still in its early innings. So if you didn't take me seriously the first time, it's not too late for you to dive in now.

But here's some even better news:

Now I've identified the next major trend…

And this one could deliver profits as high as 1,311%, starting as soon as December 5th!

So let's get to it…

========Recommended Link========

Major Stock Move Set for Dec 5, 2020

Just imagine if you knew when a MAJOR move in a stock was about to take place... days or even months in advance...

I mean, just imagine if you could pinpoint the precise dates when you could expect profits as high as 1,311%.

Well, as long as you know the right "Stock Market Tracking Numbers," that's exactly what you could do.

Click here to discover the secret to these "Stock Market Tracking Numbers"

========Recommended Link========

Semis Get a Post-Election Boost

I recently shared with you all the reasons that, for the foreseeable future, demand for semiconductors is headed higher and higher.

But as a quick refresher, chips are the "brains" and "engines" required to power the biggest and most important tech trends of today and tomorrow.

I'm talking about artificial intelligence, the internet of things, 5G, mobile payments, and the list goes on and on.

At the same time, the paradigm shift to working from home because of Covid-19 is accelerating the digitization of the global economy…

And that's driving even more investment into semiconductors.

But now, chip demand (and chip stocks!) are getting an extra boost from an unexpected source…

The President-elect.

What's Good for China is Good for Chips

With Joe Biden ascending to the top office in the world, it's widely expected he'll work to repair the broken relationship with China, which is nothing but good news for the chip sector.

You see, not only are a major supply of chips made in China, but China also happens to be home to a significant amount of end-user demand.

In fact, the chip stock I dared you to buy less than two weeks ago, Lam Research Corporation (LRCX), generates more than 30% of its sales from the China region.

Combine the boost in semi equipment sales and the post-election boost… and shares are now trading 22% higher than when I first told you about them.

That's more than 3x the return of the Nasdaq and S&P 500 indexes over the same period.

Make no mistake, though, we're still in the early innings of this chip trend — and in turn, the rally for Lam Research.

In fact, the last time the markets served up such a favorable set up, this trend powered shares of Lam Research 110% higher.

Don't miss out again!

And now, speaking of (not) missing out…

Don't Get Left Behind…

For the better part of 20 years, I've been using a different leading indicator to identify big moves in one of the most vital and profitable sectors in the market:


I'm talking about moves of 358%... 4,548%... and even more.

I can guarantee you've never heard about this leading indicator from the mainstream media before.

And I can guarantee you've never heard about it from Wall Street, either, because they've been too busy keeping this profit opportunity to themselves.

But next week, I've decided to blow the lid off this stock-market indicator…

Join Me Next Week

Simply put, this is an opportunity for you to pocket profits as high as 1,311%... by December 5th.

To learn everything you need to know about this opportunity, simply sign up for a special event I'll be hosting next week.

Registration is FREE for all my readers, but spots are limited.

So click here to register now so you don't miss out!

Ahead of the tape,
Lou Basenese
Lou Basenese

The work included in this communication is based on diverse sources including SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases, and information published on various websites, but the views we express and the conclusions we reach are our own. As such, this content may contain errors, and any investments described in this content should be made only after reviewing the filings and/or financial statements of the company, and only after consulting with your investment advisor. Actual results may differ significantly from the results described herein.

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