Kamis, 12 November 2020

[Pending] Special Dark Pools Report

Dear ,

Alpha YSigma X...Tora Crosspoint...Instinct-X...and Cross Finder

No...these are not names of secret government operations or the title to the next Jason Bourne movie.  

Instead, they are names of "private" stock market exchanges, where nearly 40% of the trading volume goes

In fact, there are over 50 of these "hidden" marketplaces…

...where the world's largest players and top traders go to make their power moves outside the scope of regular traders.

But thanks to a proprietary scanner I developed, I've been able to track them every step of the way.  

And let me tell you, I've NEVER seen this type of price action, trade volume, and new symbols hit my dark pool scanner as I have over the last few weeks.  

So how is the "smart money" positioned right now?

And how can you possibly take advantage of it and make a small fortune?

We've already seen some crazy volatility...sectors rising from the dead... and old favorites going out of favor

But here's the thing

I believe none of it compares to what we're about to experience over the next 4-8 weeks.

That's why I created a brand new Special Dark Pools Report: 3 Big Trends Pre-and-Post Election, And How To Profit Off Them

However, before I tell you how you can get my exclusive and timely report, let me explain why it's critical to tap into the "hidden market" aka Dark Pools right now.  

Of course, the potential to score big profits is one reason to be interested in dark pool activity. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. 

I've discovered that dark pool trades often act as a leading indicator...of lucrative trends in their early stages

You see, the folks who are trading in the dark pools aren't people like you and me. 

They are highly sophisticated, well-financed, and among the most informed institutional traders on the planet. 

So when they place big money trades....do you think they are rolling the dice or flipping a coin?

Me Neither!

In fact, by tracking them I've been able to capitalize on catching trends early…

...like the move in renewable energy stocks...specifically...Plug Power (PLUG)

This is what I told Dark Pool Profits subscribers on November 4th:

"PLUG is moving up nicely here and it has earnings next week and the EV space is still strong so in addition to the stock that I have, I want to have some calls on here also.

So I bought the PLUG Nov 13 $16 Calls at $1.65." 

At yesterday's close, those $16 calls were going for $7.10.

In other words, if you put in $2,000 on those same calls you would have turned into $8,520.

Not too shabby for a week, right?

And that's the thing…

If you're someone who struggles with idea generation, then Dark Pool Profits can serve as an invaluable companion. 

For example, some suspected a Biden victory would be bullish for solar energy companies…

...but which ones?

I looked straight to my dark pool scanner to find the answer. 

On November 4th, I wrote this to Dark Pool Profits subscribers:

Sunpower (SPWR):

  • SPWR came up on the scanner today, with a flag pattern and a nice squeeze. If this can get back above $17, I think it has potential, and I like the Nov 20 $17 calls.

Two days later I was peeling off those calls for a 150% profit:

How about the explosion in bitcoin we've just witnessed?

Dark pool traders were all over bitcoin stocks, in fact, my scanner made it easy for me to find out which ones were likely to pop:

It didn't take long either…

The dark pools put me in the right place in NIO last month:

But what about now?

I've put together a brand new list of stocks, which based on my research, are poised to be the next set of leaders in the market

It's all part of my brand new Special Dark Pools Report: 3 Big Trends Pre-and-Post Election, And How To Profit Off Them


Now the only way you can get this report is if you're a Dark Pool Profits subscriber

Dark Pool Profits is RagingBull's only options education and trading service specifically focused on showing traders how to profit off dark pool trades

And I try my best to make it simple and easy for you to pick up and start running with it

Each night Dark Pool Profits subscribers receive my video watchlist, which breaks down the most notable dark pool trading activity, as well as what potential plays I see out there and my trading game plan

It's ideal for anyone who doesn't have time to stare at the screens all day. The video watchlist gives subscribers the chance to plan in advance and prepare their next move. 

Now, if you consider yourself an active trader then I've got you covered too. 

I stream my real-money portfolio, that way you can see what I've got on at all times. 

But that's not all…

Dark Pool Profits subscribers also get access to my LIVE WATCHLIST. 

This is a brand new feature, a dynamic watchlist based on dark pool activity, in real-time. 

Why is this such a valuable feature?

First off, idea generation. Second, I take trades off the watchlist. This means you'll have a good idea of what I trade before I trade it. 

Of course, Dark Pool Profits subscribers also get my daily watchlists and real-time trade alerts via email and the RagingBull app. 

The type of education, training, and potential short-term profits which can be made from the dark pool strategy are just insane. 

And given the recent action I've seen recently, the next 4-8 weeks are potentially going to be even more rewarding. 

That's why I'm doing something I never thought I'd do. 

Not only am I reopening admission to Dark Pool Profits…

But I've also dropped the barrier of entry to its lowest ever. 

A quarterly subscription option is now available until Sunday night. 

However, this offer is only good for the first 500 people who act

In other words, you could miss out if you wait any longer. 

Take advantage of this exclusive offer now, and be among those to get my brand new Special Dark Pools Report: 3 Big Trends Pre-and-Post Election, And How To Profit Off Them. 

Tons of money will possibly be made over the coming weeks...will you be on the right side of the trade?

Click here to take advantage of Dark Pool Profits Quarterly. 


Ben Sturgill

*Results presented are not typical and may vary from person to person. Please review our full disclaimer located at ragingbull.com/disclaimer.

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