Senin, 30 November 2020

JC’s NET Gains


Happy Cyber Monday, Trader!

The market was booming last week and Black Friday sales hit record numbers - history would predict that today will be a bullish day as well.

But we've already seen some sector rotation and some traders are warning of a looming market correction. That means that although some stocks are running higher, others are dropping.

The question is... which ones are which?

Well there are two traders who seem to know where this market is headed...


That's right. JC Parets was LIVE in the Bullpen with Olivia Voz last week talking about some stocks that he was eyeing.

One of JC's favorites was CloudFlare Inc (NET):


JC predicted that this stock would run if it got over 66. Look at what happened…


JC nailed it - and so did many Bullpen members.**

Does it feel like you always miss out on these trades?

Come to the Bullpen today at 12:30pm EST - JC Parets will be LIVE with Olivia Voz discussing the next few stocks that he believes will see new highs.

Don't miss your chance to learn from the best traders and upgrade your trading today in the Bullpen.

So let's work together in the Bullpen to plan our day, celebrate our wins, and make money together.

See you there!

Programming starts at 8:20am EST.


8:20-8:30 AM:

Wake Up Call with Ben Sturgill

Walk through the pre-market with the Sturg, RagingBull's IPO expert.

8:30-9:30 AM:

Morning Movers with Hitha Herzog

Hitha breaks down the big stories that will impact the market

9:00-9:30 AM

In The Zone with Jeff Williams

The Penny Pro walks through his watchlist and highlights what he's looking to trade today

9:30-11:30 AM

Live Trading with Kenny Glick

Join Kenny as he attacks the market with his VWAP strategy

11:30-12:30 PM

Precious Metals Session with Nick Black

Recap the day's trades and look for another day's pay before the closing bell

12:30-1:00 PM

Charting Session with JC Parets and Olivia Voz

Wall Street pays him for his take on the markets, but today you can listen in on his discussion with stock whiz, Olivia Voz

3:00-4:00 PM

Power Hour with Kenny Glick

Recap the day's trades and look for another day's pay before the closing bell

*All times are Eastern.

  • MRNA - The company announced that the UK expanded its contract for an additional 2 million vaccine doses. Shares are trading 6% higher pre-market.
  • GME - GameStop shares are trading 10% higher in the early hours on optimism around Black Friday sales.
  • NGA - The company announced a merger with The Lion Electric Company - an EV designer and manufacturer. The new company is expected to have a $1.9B value and has a $200m private placement capital commitment. Shares are moving 25% higher pre-market.


Before Market Opens:

Adient PLC (ADNT) - Consensus EPS $0.588, Revs $3.580B

After Market Closes:

Zoom Video Communications Inc (ZM) - Consensus EPS $0.754, Revs $693.417M

Assure Holdings Corp (IOM) - Consensus EPS $0.026, Revs $6.520M

EMCORE Corp (EMKR) - Consensus EPS $0.037, Revs $33.500M



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