Selasa, 17 November 2020

Why Aren’t You Trading Small-Cap Stocks?


Dear Friend,

No matter where I look in the market, I don't see an area hotter than small-caps.

I mean every day, there are multiple movers to take advantage of. However, a lot of traders shy away from trading these fast-moving names.

I get it though.

They think:

  • These stocks move to fast and it's hard for them to catch a move
  • Small-cap stocks are a lot riskier than trading large caps
  • Just because they're smaller companies and not household names, they shouldn't trade them
  • If they trade stocks with a market cap less than $2B, they can ruin their trading account

The problem is most traders don't know how to trade these stocks. They don't know what to focus on, nor do they know how to identify these plays.

Typically, what happens is they'll try their go at small-caps because they heard their friend talk about it or they see the stock gapping up big.

They hit the buy button right away, and watch the stock go against them until they hit their pain point… then take a loss.

After that, they're done with trading small-caps.

If any of this sounds familiar to you… listen up.

I believe there's a simple fix and once you discover what it is — you may want to stick to trading small-caps and ignore other areas of the market.

That said, I want to give you an inside look at some of the techniques I use every day and how I identify small-cap stocks before they rocket higher.

Click here to continue reading...


Jason Bond

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