Senin, 23 November 2020

What the Markets are Telling the Media

Money & Crisis

November 23, 2020


What the Markets are
Telling the Media

January 15: America’s Financial Extinction Event?

The election is over…

The corrupt media declared Joe Biden the winner…

And that bad news is about to get a whole lot worse…

Because the prophetic analyst who predicted the subprime mortgage meltdown… the financial crisis of 2008… and Brexit…

Just issued another shocking prediction…

If you and your family are not prepared for what he says is coming your way on January 15…

You need to take action now.

Click here for the full details.

Graham SummersDear Money & Crisis Reader,

The market is closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday while Friday is only a half day. As such, most of Wall Street will be away from their desks.

This means we can see greater volatility as trading volumes will be very light this week. The few traders/funds/institutions that will be active will have a much easier time moving the market.

The bigger news concerns what is happening in the political arena in the U.S.

The Election Still Isn’t Decided

The mainstream media continues to push the completely false narrative that Joe Biden is the next president of the United States.

The people claiming this are either ignorant or lying. Unless President Trump concedes, Joe Biden has NOT won anything. This is not opinion. This is fact. NO ONE can be declared the winner of the election until the states formally cast their electoral college votes on December 14.

That is how things work under normal circumstances. However, this election is anything but normal.

First and foremost, the margin of victory for Joe Biden in a number of swing states is still under 0.5%. By law, this means these results are still subject to a RECOUNT.

Secondly, there are multiple lawsuits, some from the Trump campaign, others from private citizens, and some from state legislators themselves arguing that there is ample evidence of voter fraud and vote manipulation.

Once lawsuits are filed, the election is now in the court system.

This means that what I think, what you think, what the media thinks, what Joe Biden thinks, what anyone but the judge ruling in the case thinks is irrelevant. The only items that matter are the evidence and how the judge rules in the case.

On top of this, what any particular judge rules is irrelevant to some degree because the Trump campaign can appeal a ruling. It can take an unfavorable decision to a higher court, and ultimately to the Supreme Court.

This is why those pundits and media types who are applauding the fact that an Obama-appointed judge ruled against the Trump campaign in Pennsylvania are myopic at best, and simply ignorant at worst.

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Applauding a particular court ruling as a big deal at this point is like cheering a field goal in the first three minutes of the Super Bowl: There is a LOT of time between now and when the game ends and a LOT of things can happen.

Ultimately, President Trump can take his case to the Supreme Court. If his campaign can prove significant voter fraud (they have several more weeks to build their case), then the SCOTUS can rule to have the federal vote audited, invalidated (meaning state legislators pick the president) or issue any number of specific rulings on specific states.

All of this FAVORS Trump.

Everyone knows fraud occurs during elections. It’s not a question of if, but how much. And with the SCOTUS now leaning 6-3, or at least 5-4, conservatives to liberals, the likelihood of President Trump winning this election are MUCH HIGHER than most people realize.

And the markets know it.

The Markets are Still Projecting a Win for Trump

The Biden campaign has made it clear that it is in favor of more lockdowns, higher taxes, greater regulations, and the Green New Deal. Arguing that these policies are good for stocks is LUDICROUS.

Which is why the recent breakout in the S&P 500 suggests a Trump win is coming. The S&P 500 broke out of a three-month consolidation phase last week. It has since back-tested this breakout, which suggests it is the REAL DEAL and the start of a new major leg higher.

Chart: S&P500

If you find that hard to believe, consider that the energy sector (XLE) (the red line) has been THE top performing sector since election night. Indeed, XLE has more than TRIPLED the performance of the tech sector (XLK) (the black line) which was the former market leader.

Chart: XLE-XLK

President Trump has made it clear he wants fracking and all domestic production of oil pushed aggressively in his second term. By way of contrast, Joe Biden has made it clear he is against fracking and wants to push for clean energy in the U.S.

Who do you think the market is predicting as the winner of this election? The pro-oil candidate or the pro-climate change candidate?

With that in mind, I stand by my original forecast that President Trump will end up winning this election.

Best Regards,

Graham Summers

Graham Summers
Editor, Money & Crisis

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