Rachel's note: With the presidential election just days away, Wall Street's fear gauge, the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), is hitting fresh highs. But according to Casey Research analyst Andrey Dashkov, you can take steps in your portfolio to make this kind of volatility your friend. And on Wednesday, Strategic Investor editor Dave Forest showed how you can filter out all this noise… to profit alongside some the world's most prominent investors – including the "Oracle of Omaha" himself. It's a little-known method with explosive upside. In fact, Dave's readers just saw a 4,947% gain using this strategy. And you can get in on these trades… in a regular brokerage account… for just pennies. Catch up on all that, and more, below… | AI Adoption Has Its Foot on the Gas Artificial intelligence is one of the world's most cutting-edge technologies. We need it now more than ever. And the companies providing it are set to surge… | | Recommended Link | | Why Are These 800 Millionaires Dumping Stocks? "The largest, fastest change" we've seen… Tiger 21, a club of 800 ultra-rich investors, recently started hoarding cash. "We see no easy way out," warns Bank of America. Jeff Bezos—the world's richest man—recently dumped $4.3 billion in stock. What is going on? The alarm bells are ringing. And what you do NOW will determine your future. Jeff Brown—arguably America's most accurate investor—reveals the strange "division" happening in the market right now… Watch This Urgent Briefing Now. | | Regards, Rachel Bodden Managing Editor, Casey Research | |
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