Rabu, 11 November 2020

The One Market Still Predicting Trump

Money & Crisis

November 11, 2020


The One Market Still
Predicting Trump

Tech prophet: "This market story will dwarf 5G…"

Please Enable ImagesIf you’re ready to bank on 5G stocks to take off when America reopens for business…

You may be in for a big surprise, according to “America’s #1 Futurist,” George Gilder.

In this brand-new video presentation… he explains why.

The bottom line is that 5G could indeed enjoy a “second gold rush,” as plenty of pundits are saying.

But even better, says George, is something nobody’s talking about.

He calls it “15G” — be among the first to get the details, at this link.

Graham SummersDear Money & Crisis Reader,

If you want to get your head around the ultimate outcome of the 2020 presidential election, you should ignore the media experts and pundits and focus on one thing.

The energy sector.

Unlike the shills and talking heads in the media, energy investors LOSE money if they’re wrong. They have “skin in the game” so to speak. And because of the distinct differences between the Biden and Trump campaigns’ views on oil, the energy sector is an incredible barometer for how things are going with the election.

From a 20,000-foot perspective, this presidential election is about globalism vs. nationalism.

Globalism, as represented by the Biden campaign, represents the dominant economic trend of the last 40 years. Its key features include:

  • The outsourcing of Americans jobs to cheaper, international labor markets.
  • The U.S. relying extensively on other nations for its energy, commodity, and other needs.
  • The U.S. as one of several key nations that set global policy via international bodies (the U.N. the G-7, etc.).

By way of contrast, nationalism, as represented by the Trump administration, represents a complete refutation of globalism. Its key features involve:

  • That the domestic production of resources deemed critical to the U.S. economy is a matter of national security.
  • That outsourcing weakens the U.S. economy from a strategic perspective as it shifts its industrial and manufacturing supply chains to other nations.
  • That the U.S. is THE dominant force in the world and as such can set global policy regardless of what other nations desire.

Put more simply, a Biden win would be BAD for oil production in the U.S., while a Trump win would be GOOD for oil production in the U.S..

So What Has Energy Been Saying?

With that in mind, take a look at this chart.

A colossal $2.8 trillion more to play with....

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Especially because this event could bring an additional $2.8 TRILLION worth of assets into play.

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Going into election night, the energy sector was in a decided downtrend (blue line) as it looked like Biden would be the presumed winner. However, on election day this trend began to end with energy stocks actually briefly breaking out of this downtrend (green circle).

chart one

This suggested that, in point of fact, President Trump would potentially pull another historic upset.

We all know what has happened since: The media declared Biden the winner despite a number of voting irregularities surfacing (and that’s putting it mildly). The media has made it clear that it believes Biden won.

But what is the energy sector telling us?

chart 2

Energy stocks are up 15% since election night. That is an incredible move. And if you find that surprising, consider the following.

The energy sector has been the top performing sector since election night.

I don’t know about you, but it sure seems as if energy investors are predicting a Trump win. Nowhere in Joe Biden’s campaign platform does he advocate for the increased production of oil in the U.S. In fact, on his website he actually endorses the “Green New Deal” which advocates for the U.S. completely moving off of fossil fuels!

Best Regards,

Graham Summers

Graham Summers
Editor, Money & Crisis

Jeff Bezos' Master Plan For Global 5G Domination

Amazon imageTake a close look at this document…

This document is called an SEC “Form 4.”

It’s a document that company insiders must file whenever they sell stock.

And this Form 4 reveals that Jeff Bezos recently dumped 1 MILLION (1,000,000) shares of Amazon.

What’s he doing with the money?

The answer will shock you…

And radically change the way you think about making money, immediately…

Click here now to see the technology behind Jeff Bezos’ Master Plan for Global 5G Domination.

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