Sabtu, 21 November 2020

Follow Up: Did I make money in SPWR?

Hello trader,

It wasn't more than two days ago that I wrote to you about SunPower Corp (SPWR).

I said I loved the setup, and that I was IN CALL OPTIONS at the time.

Now, most traders will tell you about a trade idea and just walk away.

They won't tell you whether they made or lost money on the trade…

Not me though.

I genuinely want you to succeed, and win, lose, or draw — every trade is a learning experience.

Fast forward 48 hours and +11% higher for SPWR, and you can see my results.*

Pretty freaking sweet for my weekly Double Down trade*

*See disclaimer below

I know, it's easy when you just stare at the P&L and talk about how good the trade was.

But trust me it wasn't.

How many times have you stared at profits only to watch them evaporate and the position move against you...

Until it hit your pain point and turned a winner into a loser?

I can tell you it's happened to me before, and I didn't want that to happen on this trade — and I certainly don't want it to happen to you.

That's why I want to show you how to time your exits.

You see, this trade came during options expiration week - a time notorious for its volatility.

Yet, the strength of the trend couldn't be denied.

So, what do I do when it comes up short of my profit target?

Sell it all or let it ride?

Click here to continue reading

Nathan Bear
Weekly Money Multiplier

$10M In Career Trading Profits

…And $4M So Far In 2020 Alone!*

Get Access To Kyle Dennis' Highest-Conviction Trade Idea Strategy For 12 Weeks For Just $12

*Results presented are not typical and may vary from person to person. Please see our full disclaimer here:

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