Senin, 23 September 2024

What Everyone’s Retirement Is Missing

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What Everyone's Retirement Is Missing


There's one question everyone dreads…

What if you don't have enough saved for retirement?

Most people think they have enough set aside for their golden years.

However, there's a critical piece of the puzzle everyone seems to be missing: inflation.

We're not saying that financial planners haven't accounted for it, but that they have underestimated it.

It might not seem like a big deal being off by a few percentage points one way or the other. However, the math says otherwise.

The average retiree could be short by as much as $500,000, leaving them unable to keep up with basic needs and long-term care.

Thankfully, it doesn't take much to get things back on the right track.

We're going to demonstrate how most retirement plans fail to anticipate inflation.

Then, we'll introduce you to a simple solution that can not only offset inflation, but help add a layer of safety as well.

The Hidden Threat Lurking in Your Retirement Plan

Let's face it: Inflation is the silent killer of retirement dreams.

Most retirement plans assume a 2% inflation rate or less. That's been the historical average, right?

But recent years have shown us that inflation doesn't always play by the rules.

So, let's dive into how this seemingly small oversight can wreak havoc on your retirement.

Building the 'Perfect' Retirement Plan

Imagine you're planning to retire in 2025.

You've diligently saved and have a nest egg of $1 million.

Your annual living expenses are projected at $60,000 today.

With a 2% inflation rate, you and your financial planner calculate that you'll need about $73,000 per year in 10 years to maintain the same lifestyle.

Your total savings and expected investment returns are supposed to cover this.

Everything looks great on paper.

Get on the VIP list for this special opportunity…

Hi. Jim Woods here.

The investing landscape is changing dramatically. Increasingly, the smart money is looking beyond traditional stocks for investing opportunities.

That's why I'm excited to announce the upcoming launch of my newest advisory service: Crypto & Commodities Trader.

As a 32-year veteran of Wall Street, I've rarely been more bullish on an investment opportunity. Here's why I believe Crypto & Commodities Trader is so revolutionary and couldn't come at a better time:

  1. It taps into the explosive growth potential of cryptocurrencies and commodities.
  2. Yet it does so without requiring an investor to own these assets directly - no specialized accounts or complex trading required.
  3. Instead, Crypto & Commodities Trader identifies what I believe are the best stocks, ETFs, and other easily traded securities to profit from moves in the crypto and commodities markets.
To celebrate that upcoming launch, I've prepared a special bonus report that I want to give you free of charge. It's called America's Freedom Multiplier: How to Use Cryptos & Commodities to Attain Financial Freedom. To get your FREE copy simply click here now. 

Anyone who clicks to get this free report will also become a part of our special VIP list for the launch of Crypto & Commodities Trader.  So don't miss this opportunity to get ahead of the curve on what I believe could be one of the biggest investing trends of the coming decade. Click here to sign up!

But What Happens When Inflation Is Higher Than Expected?

Let's tweak that inflation rate just a bit.

What if inflation averages 3% instead of 2%?

At first glance, 1% doesn't seem like much. But over time, the effects compound dramatically.

After 10 years, your annual expenses wouldn't be $73,000 but rather $80,600. That's a difference of $7,600 per year. Over a 20-year retirement, that's an extra $152,000 you hadn't planned for.

Now, Let's Consider a 3.5% Inflation Rate

If inflation averages 3.5%, your annual expenses after 10 years balloon to $84,700.

That's $11,700 more per year than you planned for. Over 20 years, you're looking at an unplanned additional expense of $234,000.

The Real Cost of Underestimating Inflation

This shortfall isn't just numbers on a spreadsheet.

It's the difference between:
  • Keeping your home or downsizing drastically.
  • Affording quality healthcare or settling for subpar options.
  • Enjoying your golden years or pinching pennies just to get by.
Imagine having to tell your grandkids you can't visit them because travel expenses have become unaffordable.

Or skipping necessary medical procedures because they're now out of your budget.

That's the harsh reality of underestimating inflation.

Adjusting Your Retirement Plan: More Savings or Higher Returns?

To combat higher inflation, you have two primary options:
  1. Save More Money But let's be real. If you could've saved more, you probably would have already.
  2. Seek Higher Investment Returns This usually means taking on more risk, which isn't ideal as you approach retirement.
Neither option is particularly appealing or necessarily feasible.

Enter the Game-Changer: Guaranteed Income of 11.1%

What if there was a way to secure a guaranteed annual return of 11.1% on your savings?

Sounds like a fantasy, doesn't it? But it's entirely possible.

Let's see how this changes the game.

Scenario Comparison
  • Traditional Plan at 5% Return With a $1 million nest egg earning a 5% annual return, your annual income is $50,000. Not enough to cover your initial $60,000 in expenses, let alone increased costs due to inflation.
  • Enhanced Plan at 11.1% Guaranteed Return With the same $1 million earning 11.1%, your annual income jumps to $111,000. Now, not only can you cover your inflated expenses -- even at a 3.5% inflation rate -- but you also have extra funds.

One Truth About Trump Most People Have Never Heard

One of America's top retirement income experts reveals what he's calling Wall Street's best kept income secret:

"I have details on a secret "income contingency plan" signed into law by Trump before he left office designed to safeguard Americans against financial crises like today's…

PBN Income has allowed savvy Americans to collect massive, government-guaranteed income from an obscure and little-known passive-income source month after month — for life."

He's revealing EVERYTHING here.

The Impact on Your Living Situation
  • Financial Freedom Afford better health care, travel and leisure activities without worrying about every dollar.
  • Peace of Mind No more sleepless nights stressing over market volatility or unexpected expenses.
  • Legacy Building The potential to leave behind a substantial inheritance for your loved ones.
How Is This Possible?

You might be thinking, "This sounds too good to be true."

But it's not.

There's a little-known strategy that offers these kinds of returns, and it's been the best-kept secret of the wealthy for decades.

The Simple Solution You've Been Missing

Introducing a strategy that not only offsets inflation but also adds a layer of safety to your retirement savings.

This isn't about risky stock market investments or complicated financial products.

It's a straightforward approach that guarantees your income, regardless of market conditions.

How to know what to trade.

With thousands of stocks in the market…

How do you know which ones to trade?

You may not believe this, but…

You can ignore almost all of them, because when it comes to stock and options trading...

This is something valuable that tells you the few stocks that you really should be looking at.

Your whole search and strategy can take less than 15 minutes.

Which leaves plenty of time to do the other things you want to do during your day.

If you want to learn more - this free live class will show you how.

Save Your Seat Here.

Take Control of Your Retirement Today

Why leave your golden years to chance?

Especially when there's a proven method to secure your financial future.

Don't let inflation erode the retirement you've worked so hard to build.

Your Next Step

Imagine enjoying your retirement without financial worries.

Imagine having the freedom to do what you want, when you want.

It's time to make that a reality.

Click Here to Discover How You Can Secure a Guaranteed 11.1% Return for Life

Don't let inflation dictate your retirement lifestyle.

Take action now and safeguard your future.

Inflation doesn't have to be the boogeyman lurking in your retirement plan.

With the right strategy, you can not only neutralize its effects but also enhance your financial well-being.

But opportunities like this don't last forever.

The sooner you act, the better positioned you'll be to enjoy the retirement you've always envisioned.

Secure Your Financial Future Today—Before It's Too Late!

Click Here to Learn More!
To Your Wealth,
The Wealth Whisperer Team
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Eagle Financial Publications is located in Rosslyn, VA. – Blocks from the Capitol. Our products have been helping investors build their wealth for several decades. Whether you’re a long-term investor or short-term trader, you’ll find the right strategy for you, including how to earn more steady income to spend now, preserve and grow your capital to enjoy later, and whatever other investment goals you have.
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