Sabtu, 21 September 2024

COMING SOON: More Inflation?



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The Best AI Trade Rec of Alex Green's Career?

AG onstage

Alex Green already booked wins on AI plays as high as 182% on Gitlab in 2.5 months... 275% on CyberArk in 3.5 months... and 386% on Crowdstrike in 2.5 months here in 2024.

One of Alex's loyal followers said he made $62,700 in pure profit on Crowdstrike.

But Alex says he has a new AI pick that could blow the returns of GTLB, CYBR and CRWD out of the water.

How much could you make on it over the next three months?

Access the details here from Alex before midnight tonight for maximum profit potential.

Fed Rate Cut Sets Stage for More Inflation

Marc Lichtenfeld, Chief Income Strategist, The Oxford Club

Image of Market & Economic Outlook webinar featuring Marc Lichtenfeld and Jay Hatfield.

I always enjoy listening to Jay Hatfield, the CEO of Infrastructure Capital Advisors, discuss the market and economy. He usually offers a point of view that you won't hear in most other places - and he has data to back it up.

That's just one of the reasons I was excited to join him last week for his monthly "Market & Economic Outlook" webinar.

During our conversation, I elaborated on why I believe the Fed should not have cut rates, the reason they absolutely should not do so again, and why additional rate cuts would lead to heightened inflation next year. Jay and I also took questions from viewers who tuned in for the live call.


See How to Get a FREE YEAR of Alex Green's Momentum Alert
(Ranked #1 Among VIP Trading Research Services!)

AG on stage arms open

Alex Green's Momentum Alert destroyed the S&P 500 by a 3-to-1 mark last year.

(And that was considered a phenomenal year for the S&P!)

The Momentum Alert finished the year ranked #1 among the Club's VIP trading research services.

And remains scorching-hot in 2024, featuring wins of 182%, 275% and 386% (longest hold time was just 3.5 months on those plays.)

Click to see how to get a FREE YEAR of the market-crushing Momentum Alert - until midnight tonight.

I am a big fan of Jay's work. InfraCap is an Oxford Club Pillar One Advisor, and I recommend one of InfraCap's ETFs in The Oxford Income Letter. In August, Jay was also my first-ever guest on Oxford Income Live, my monthly interactive video call with Oxford Income Letter subscribers.

Check out our conversation by clicking the image above or the button below, and let me know what you think. (Jay opened the call by updating his members on some of InfraCap's research regarding the market, the election, the Fed, and more. My presentation begins at the 11:17 mark, followed by the Q&A portion at the end.)

Click Here to Watch the Full Conversation

Good investing,


P.S. We're currently offering a special discount on a full year of The Oxford Income Letter. To gain access to each monthly issue, all four model portfolios, every monthly Oxford Income Live session, and more, click here.

Famous Trader Puts AI To The Test (You're Not Going To Believe This)

Keep Politics Out of Your Portfolio

The Most Powerful Monthly Pattern in the Market

Navigate America's Uncertain Future with the World's Leading Experts


Yours Free! Top FIVE Dividend Stocks Right Now

Marc Lichtenfeld - income expert and author of Get Rich with Dividends - is giving away his Ultimate Dividend Package... completely free of charge!

You'll discover...

  • An "A"-rated, ultra-safe dividend stock with a huge 8% yield
  • Three of Marc's favorite "Extreme Dividend" stocks, which could supercharge your income
  • And finally, Marc's No. 1 dividend stock for a LIFETIME of income.

Click here to get the names and ticker symbols now... before the download link expires.


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