Jumat, 12 Juli 2024

"High Conviction" play on Nuclear

Big Tech Is All-in on Nuclear - *September 18
Big Tech Is All-in on Nuclear

A new kind of nuclear power is about to transform the grid.

The U.S. Department of State calls it "an important part of our energy future."

The Wall Street Journal says it can "produce limitless emissions-free energy."

And Forbes predicts it will become "the go-to energy source in America."

Believe it or not, but this kind of nuclear energy already existed years ago.

TCN Image 14

What you see in this picture is called a small modular reactor, or SMR.

A total of 17 of these prototypes were built in the U.S. 

And now that this technology has been perfected, these reactors are ready to take over the energy sector.

The first SMR is expected to come online on U.S. soil this year.

And that's only the beginning.

Tech billionaire Marc Andreessen calls for "1,000 new state-of-the-art nuclear power plants in the U.S. and Europe right now."

That's a massive opportunity for early investors.

Because these SMRs require a special fuel.

And there's only ONE company in the U.S. that can make this super fuel.

Bill Gates and Sam Altman have already secured supply for their reactors.

This company is almost completely off the radar. That's why stocks are still cheap.

But that's about to change very soon.

I expect this story to reach the mainstream as early as September 18.

Shares of this obscure firm could skyrocket on that day.

I just published an urgent presentation on this unique opportunity. Inside I explain all the details and how you can position yourself today.

Access is instant and free.

Get the full story here while there's still time.

To your wealth,

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Alex Koyfman
Investment Director, The Crow's Nest


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