Jumat, 12 Juli 2024

AI Destroys Electric Grid

AI Is Already Wreaking Havoc on Global Power Systems. That's why Silicon Valley insiders and utility company CEOs are investing billions in THIS breakthrough.

“AI Is Already Wreaking Havoc on Global Power Systems,” reports Bloomberg.


Meta Platforms… Microsoft…Google and Amazon are scrambling to build new Artificial Intelligence datacenters.


Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Sam Altman know that AI requires huge amounts of energy. That’s why they’re PRIVATELY investing billions in the Oppenheimer Project.


Yet most investors are completely clueless. And they’re simply buying Nvidia shares near all-time highs.


Go here for urgent details on the Oppenheimer Project.


I’ll give you urgent details on this explosive opportunity. And the top 5 stocks that could jump 313% - 1,355% as a result of this groundbreaking technology.


Warren Buffett hates technology.


Yet even the 93-year-old investor understands the problem. And he’s investing billions in this Oppenheimer Project in Wyoming.


Bloomberg reports…


“Globally, there are more than 7,000 data centers built or in various stages of development, up from 3,600 in 2015.


These data centers have the capacity to consume a combined 508 terawatt hours if they were to run constantly. That’s greater than the annual energy production of Italy or Australia.


By 2034, global energy consumption by data centers is expected to top 1580 TWh, about as much as is used by all of India.”


Datacenter power usage is already soaring.


Energy use in the U.S. is expected to jump 40% in the next 20 years, according to the CEO of NextEra Energy (NYSE: NEE).

The #1 reason?

Artificial Intelligence datacenters.


This chart shows that datacenters use more electricity than most countries.


Get My Top 5 Stocks to Profit

From the Oppenheimer Project



The world needs more electricity.


Solar, wind and other green energy sources are great. However, insiders in Silicon Valley recognize that there simply isn’t enough electricity.


CEOs at electric utilities also see huge energy shortages.

That’s why they’re also jumping onboard the Oppenheimer Project.


Simply click here to watch my urgent presentation.





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