Sabtu, 28 Maret 2020

The 100 billion device disrupting tech right now?

Casey Research

Editor's Note: Below is a piece from our colleagues at Bonner & Partners on the future of Wi-Fi. There is video that's going viral at the moment that we think you should take a look at. It could have a huge bearing on your financial future — we urge you to continue reading...

Casey Daily Dispatch Reader,

Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Apple...

What do each of these companies have in common?

They seemingly came out of nowhere and disrupted the way you and I use technology on a daily basis.

In doing so, they created $100 billion dollar markets and made a lot of early investors very wealthy.

I believe the next $100 billion tech is small enough to fit on the tip of your finger and is poised to disrupt how we use technology forever.


This tiny device is the gatekeeper to the next wave of smartphones, biotech, self-driving cars... the list goes on and on.

The great news for early investors... there are just 3 companies behind this device ready to capture the market upon its release.

As a Silicon Valley insider and angel investor, I've invested in 130 startups.

I get access to early ideas and in this video, I will show you why this technology will disrupt the market and, more importantly, how to invest right now to be in on the ground floor.

Watch now for more details.


Jeff Brown
Editor, The Near Future Report
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