Minggu, 16 Februari 2020

What’s Bigger Than 5G, AI or Self-Driving Cars?

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

February 16, 2020

What's Bigger Than 5G, AI or Self-Driving Cars?

Doug HillDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

Well, he's done it…

Done what? And who?

The man who's been called "America's top technology prophet" by The Economist, you know this to be George Gilder…

He famously predicted the iPhone revolution 14 years in advance…

And his ideas about technology helped shape the legacy of an American president…

He has found a wealth opportunity with bigger potential impact than 5G… AI… Self-Driving Cars… OR the long-promised Internet of Things.

And nearly triple the combined market caps of Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google — the famed FAANG stocks you hear so much about in the mainstream.

How big? big money

This could have an estimated $16.8 trillion footprint worldwide.

It's going to shake up your life.

And radically change our world.

Whether you decide to "participate" in this revolution or not.

It could also make a lot of people extremely rich, in a short amount of time.

Click here to find out what this uncanny visionary is talking about…


Doug Hill

Doug Hill
Publisher, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

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