Senin, 30 September 2019

Lopsided relationship?

Lopsided relationship?

Hey there,

Let me tell you a story about a buddy of mine.

He and his girlfriend have been in an exclusive relationship for a couple of years now. They share an apartment. They share a bed.

But here's something that I've noticed.

My buddy makes a good living. He's got a corporate job that brings in six figures a year.

He just ordered a Hermes Apple watch. He'll probably upgrade to the latest iphone. He drives a BMW.

And she wears old sweatshirts and jeans from Walmart.

Now it's true that she works in the back office of a small family business and her salary probably reflects this.

But their relationship is totally lopsided.

He spends like there's no tomorrow, and she pinches pennies as if they were made of gold.

What's worse, is I've seen them split the bill at restaurants where he had steak and she had soup and a salad.

Now here's the deal.

Maybe they're happy with this arrangement. Maybe she's the one who doesn't want to feel indebted to his higher wage lifestyle.

But it just feels a little strange to me.

So, why am I telling you all of this?

Because I've started to feel that our relationship is a bit lopsided too.

Every day I send you emails. I share news and I make sure that CTN is producing great content for you.

But I never hear back from you!

Are you happy in this relationship? Do we have a future together? Am I doing enough? Or too much?

Please hit the reply button and let me know what you think!

I'll be here anxiously staring at my inbox until you do.


Tony Lewis
COO, Crypto Trader News
Listen. Think. Do. 

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