Selasa, 30 Juli 2024

Senior Resource Today

Senior Resource

Forget Downsizing!

For many of my Baby Boomer peers, the most dreaded activity on the horizon is the possibility of being forced to downsize from where they currently live to a smaller residence. The prospect is so distasteful to me that I have actually begun writing a new nonfiction book devoted to the unpleasant topic of divesting ourselves of the treasured items that personalize our living spaces.

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Do You Hold an IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k) or Pension?

Brace yourself... because your retirement money is now at serious risk. It all has to do with a law on the books that's designed to eat away at Americans' retirement funds – quietly and efficiently. To learn what's at stake,

click here for retirement expert Bob Carlson's shocking video – along with his #1 strategy for keeping your nest egg where it belongs... with YOU. >

The Many Unrecognized Impacts of Trauma

By now, we all should at least be familiar with the concept of trauma. After all, according to the American Psychological Association, we remain "a nation recovering from collective trauma."

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10 Thrifty Tips for Seniors to Save Money When Shopping Online

There are things you can do TODAY that'll save you money. Here are 10 thrifty tips for online shopping.

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Retirement in a Box: From Zero to $2,500 a Month

There is a way retirees can collect thousands of dollars per month for the rest of their lives -- tax-free. Plus, this tax-free income source is 100% legal and approved by the IRS. And here's the kicker: even if they don't have enough money put away yet for retirement... even if they're over age 60... they can still get thousands of dollars a month from this opportunity.

Click here to find out more! >

10 Things I Took for Granted When I Was Younger

The older I get, the more I realize how many things I took for granted when I was young. Here are 10 of them.

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Does Medicare Cover Cataract Surgery?

Like gray hair and wrinkles, cataracts are an inevitable part of the aging process. Eventually, everyone (usually in their 60s) will develop cataracts, a condition that causes cloudy or blurry vision. The only way to correct this is through cataract surgery.

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11 Essential Tips for Healthy Skin in Your 60s and 70s

With each passing year, our skin undergoes various changes, each unique to our individual experiences. As you make your way into your 60s and 70s, you may begin to notice more dryness, age spots, and (gasp!) wrinkles that weren't there before.

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Act Fast to Lock in Annual Returns of 11.1% For Life – Guaranteed!

If investors act fast enough, they can LOCK IN a regular source of extra income with annual returns as high as 11.1%, guaranteed for life. That's right: guaranteed for life. That's 761% greater than the average dividend of an S&P 500 stock). This is thanks to an advanced income strategy popular with the super-wealthy. There's only one downside: this rare opportunity to lock in DOUBLE-DIGIT returns for life may not be available much longer.

Click here to find out more! >

How to Control Your High Blood Pressure with Exercise

Blood pressure is an issue we all worry about especially as we age. And not only is it more concerning, but it can impact your daily life if not controlled.

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10 Ways to Survive Being a Long-Distance Grandparent

Over half of grandparents live more than 200 miles away from their grandchildren. Living that far away from your grandchildren can feel like torture. Worse still, visiting them might become more difficult as you age. There's no way to sugarcoat it—being a long-distance grandparent is hard. However, there are a few ways you make it easier. Here are 10 you can try today.

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Why You Need a Will

Regardless of the size of our financial assets, all of us should have our financial house in order. Even though it sounds like a daunting task, it's really quite simple and most of the work can be done at home over a weekend.

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Are You Financially Prepared to Care for Your Aging Parents?

Aging is a natural process and a non-negotiable part of life. But before we reach the age when we will personally require care, many of us will first face the privilege of caring for our elderly parents or other elderly family members.

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11 Time-Tested Thrifty Tips from the Great Depression That Still Work Today

The Great Depression may seem like a distant memory, but its lessons in frugality and resourcefulness still resonate today!

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6 Ways to Ease the Transition from Home to Assisted Living

Relocating from one's house to an assisted living facility can be a big adjustment that presents both opportunities and difficulties. This shift entails handling both the practical and emotional components of acclimating to a new setting. Making this transition smoothly can reduce tension and produce a satisfying experience. A comfortable and rewarding new chapter might result from the relocation with careful planning and wise choices. Here are 6 ways to ease the transition.

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