Minggu, 25 Juni 2023

Last Chance for FREE Live Trades

Trade of the Day Wake-Up Watchlist

Last Chance for FREE Live Trades

Dear Reader,

I know it's the weekend…

But on Monday... the fun gets started...


We are doing another Open House.

Right now... you AREN'T signed up.

And that's a shame...

For one thing... it's 100% FREE.

You don't even need a credit card to sign up.

For another thing... you could see a ton of recommendations for LIVE TRADES.

The last time we did an Open House...

We opened and closed 11 winning recommendations in just ONE week.

But recently... we've been even MORE red hot.

Over just six trading days... we locked in some of our top winning trades all year:

May 24: 214% OVERNIGHT on Urban Outfitters!

May 31: 293% OVERNIGHT on Advanced Auto!

June 1: 190% OVERNIGHT on Dollar General!

A War Room member from Florida named Ron made $6,800 on just that one Advanced Auto trade!

This is your last chance to join for free...

Be sure you are in BEFORE we go live on Monday at 9 a.m.!

Yes! RSVP Me For The FREE Open House!
(No Credit Card... No Obligation... No B.S.)

Yours in smart speculation,

Karim Rahemtulla Signature

Karim Rahemtulla, Head Fundamental Tactician
Monument Traders Alliance

P.S. Check out some of the responses they got during past Open Houses:

Steven K. grabbed 93% overnight...

Allison said: "Nice one, over 100%!"

Mark locked in $1,200 overnight! "+44%. Thank you, Bryan!"

And how about this "free weeker"? "I'm an Open House visitor. MARA... in at $2.07, out at $4. Woohoo!"

This guy was freaking out...

"Hot damn, Bryan! Just closed out my very first trade as a guest in The War Room. In yesterday, out his morning with a 117% profit! Yippee!!!"

I could fill a dozen pages with top testimonials like these (no, really)...

But why would I do that when you can just experience it yourself... TOTALLY FREE!?

Sign Up FREE Right Here (BEFORE Monday at 9 a.m.!)

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