Minggu, 25 Juni 2023

Crypto Expert: Get ready for FedNow on July 1

Bitcoin's next stop is $80,000 – and it begins on July 1. Ignore my evidence if you want. But this isn't my first prediction.

Editor's Note: Beginning July 1, the U.S. government is "going crypto." One of the top crypto experts – whose recommendations could have doubled your money 27 times – is urging you to move some money into (XLM). See below...

Dear Reader,

Bitcoin's next stop is $80,000 – and it begins on July 1.

Ignore my evidence if you want. But this isn't my first prediction.

Back in 2019, I took the stage alongside 12-term U.S. Congressman Ron Paul and called for a crypto boom in 2020.

Sure enough, bitcoin went on to rise 681%.

And a lesser-known coin I recommended that same day rose 2,381%.

So please, don't ignore what's happening on July 1.

This July, a new financial platform will be released by the U.S. government (already adopted by the U.S. Treasury and nearly every major bank) that could set off the biggest crypto boom to date.

And keep in mind...

Of all the crypto recommendations I've made since 2017...

27 would have doubled your money... 20 would have tripled or quadrupled your money... 13 would have made you at least five times your money... And 9 would have returned a minimum of 10 times your money.

So if you're skeptical, I urge you to at least skim the story and my free recommendation (XLM) here.


Eric Wade
Senior Analyst, Stansberry Research


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