Senin, 08 Februari 2021

Will Biden Lose Control on April 14?

February 08, 2021


Money & Crisis

Will Biden Lose Control on April 14?

Doug HillDear Money & Crisis Reader,

The Deep State got their man “elected”…

Joe Biden occupies The Oval Office…

And the corrupt media is telling you that all is now well.

But nothing could be farther from the truth…

That’s because America is about to get hit by a $5.1 trillion financial extinction event virtually no one sees coming.

That’s the latest prediction from the same your editor Graham Summers who predicted the subprime mortgage meltdown… the financial crisis of 2008… the Greek sovereign debt crisis… and Brexit…

He calls it a “death spiral”…

And it’s set to arrive on April 14.

When it hits, he believes the economic destruction and social unrest we’ve seen recently will pale in comparison to what’s coming.

Will this be Biden’s undoing?

Decide for yourself.

Click here for the full details.


Doug Hill

Doug Hill
Publisher, Money & Crisis

Three founders Publishing

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