Minggu, 28 Februari 2021

Let's talk about post-Covid travel

MarketBeat - Empowering Individual Investors to Make Better Trading Decisions

Hello there -

If you were to look at the major hotel chains' stock charts without any knowledge of our current pandemic, you would wonder what all the fuss was about.

Nearly every one of them is at or near, and in some cases trading above, their pre-pandemic levels. Not the level they dropped to in March. The level they were before the world effectively shut down.

Of course, we can’t ignore the effect of the pandemic. Hotel stocks are still recovering from the shellacking they took when demand cratered in March and April of last year. The leisure and hospitality sector that once had 15 million employees has lost 4 million jobs since February.

Many major cities will be feeling the ripple effects of the Covid-19 pandemic for years.

But markets are about the future. And the future of the hotel industry looks bright. There is ample evidence that shows the pandemic may be coming to an end. The number of new cases is dropping. The number of those getting vaccinated is rising.

And even in the cities with the most restrictive mitigation measures, the slow reopening process is beginning.

And here’s where the real optimism comes in. As bad as 2020 was, hotel chains fared better than airlines and some restaurant chains. As earnings season wraps up, some chains report revenue that’s as high as 75% on a year-over-year revenue. That’s not great. But in this sector, less bad can go a long way.

Many economists are optimistic that travel may begin to look more normal by this year's summer. And the global economy may deliver 6.4% GDP growth this year. With that in mind, we’ve put together this special presentation that focuses on seven hotel chains with the best fundamentals and the broadest footprint to take advantage of the surge in demand as the economy reopens.

View the “7 Hotel Stocks Just Waiting For a Vaccine”

Matthew Paulson

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