Rabu, 22 Juli 2020

Technical Update: Silver EXPLODES Higher

July 22, 2020


Money & Crisis

Tech prophet: “This market story will dwarf 5G…”

HeadlinesIf you’re ready to bank on 5G stocks to take off when America reopens for business…

You may be in for a big surprise, according to “America’s #1 Futurist,” George Gilder.

In this brand-new video presentation… he explains why.

The bottom line is that 5G could indeed enjoy a “second gold rush,” as plenty of pundits are saying.

But even better, says George, is something nobody’s talking about.

He calls it “15G” — be among the first to get the details, at this link.

Technical Update: Silver EXPLODES Higher

Graham SummersDear Money & Crisis Reader,

The stock market finally poked its head above major resistance yesterday (red line in the chart below).

We now need to wait to see if there is follow-through today.

can stocks

For certain, stocks remain in an uptrend (blue line in the chart above). 

But without follow-through on this breakout, we could easily see a retest of the blue trendline. And if you really step back and look at things in the big picture, the market hasn’t done much of anything since early June.

The more dramatic development concerns precious metals.

Precious Metals Are on a Tear

Silver in particular has begun to go vertical, erupting above resistance (red line in the chart below).

bull's run

This looks to be the start of something MAJOR.

During inflation-induced bull markets in precious metals, silver outperforms gold dramatically.

The below chart shows the ratio of silver to gold. And it proves this to be the case since the March lows.

When silver outperforms gold, the line rises.

When silver underperforms gold, the line falls. It’s very clear what is happening here.

silver is outperforming

Looking at this, it suggests that this is not some mere blip, but part of a major bull market in precious metals.

Apple Quietly Planning To Kick Off A $260 Billion Revolution?

patentWhat Apple’s working on now could be far bigger than the iPhone…

Investors who take action now could have the shot at life-changing profits from this coming $260 billion revolution.

Click here for this shocking prediction.

The Staying Power of a Precious Metals Bull Run

And why not? The markets have clearly figured that policymakers will be responding to every issue by printing more money.

Just yesterday, the European Union announced a €750 billion ($858 billion) stimulus program. This comes after the ECB already printed €1.25 trillion.

And then there’s the US, where the Fed has printed over $3 trillion, the government has issued a $2 trillion stimulus program, and is now in talks for an additional $1 trillion stimulus program.

Again, the markets have clearly figured that policymakers will be responding to every issue by printing more money. And this has ignited a major bull market in precious metals.

Locked and Loaded

By the look of things, we’re just getting started here.

And subscribers of my Strategic Impact newsletter are locked and loaded…

My subscribers have broad exposure to this sector with unique recommendations that have been EXPLODING higher in the last two weeks.

As I write this, we’re seeing several positions showing strength.

And we’re just getting started.

To learn more about how YOU can start using this research to your advantage… click here now.

Best Regards,

Graham Summers

Graham Summers
Editor, Money & Crisis

The Plot Against Trump (and Why It Will Fail)

Trump whining at somethingThey’ve tried to suggest he’s in Putin’s pocket...

They’ve tried to impeach him on the weakest grounds…

And they’ve even tried to pin a global pandemic on him.

But, one of the most sought-after financial analysts in the world is more convinced than ever that Trump will win a second term, despite the witch hunt in the media.

And when he does it could send one specific stock shooting up.

Find out why and how you could take advantage by clicking here. 

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