Rabu, 22 Juli 2020

Bad moon rising

Bill Bonner’s Diary

Bad Moon Rising

By Bill Bonner

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 – Week 19 of the Quarantine

I see the bad moon a-rising

I see trouble on the way

I see earthquakes and lightning

I see bad times today

Don’t go around tonight

Well, it’s bound to take your life

There’s a bad moon on the rise

– Creedence Clearwater Revival

Bill Bonner

SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – Yesterday, the cows came down from the ranch. It takes two days to get them here.

The first day, they are driven across the ranch to a corral at the foot of the pass. The second, they are pushed through the pass and down into the valley below.

Here, you see them coming down from the mountains:

Coming down from the pass
Cows arriving in the valley

They’ll spend the next four months here… eating, gaining weight… and with luck, getting pregnant. Then, assuming it rains in December, they’ll go back to the high pasture.

The tough cowboys, meanwhile, spent the night wherever they could find a spot to lie down. Today, they’re back on their horses, headed back up to the ranch.


Charm of the Pampas

Here in Argentina, economists see the baddest moon in two decades. The Lockdown and the return to power of the “Kirchneristas” have caused the worst financial crisis since 2001.

For reasons that are obscure, Argentina has some of the strictest clampdown rules in the world.

“I tried to go to [a small nearby town] yesterday,” reported a friend. “The police stopped me and asked what I was doing. I told them I was just going to buy some pastries. They wouldn’t let me enter. They said they had a new case of the virus in town. It’s now closed.”

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Some provinces are open. Some are closed. And much of the economy has been shut down for more than four months.

But even if your business has no revenues, the government insists that you continue paying employees. The result? Widespread bankruptcies, defaults, closed businesses, and job losses.

The government, too, is in bad shape, with collapsing tax revenues. What can it do? It has to do the same thing as the U.S. – print more money.

But the charm of the pampas is that people are used to crises. They know they can’t trust their government or its money. They expect corruption, vicious power struggles, inflation, devaluations, protests, and defaults.

Just two weeks ago, a key witness against the Vice President in a bribery case was murdered, the day before he was supposed to testify.

Bad Moon Rising in America

But back in the USA, teeth are growing longer. At night, you can hear howling in the suburbs… werewolves, witches, and hobgoblins dance around a fire… and a bad moon rises.

For the moment, Americans are enjoying a sudsy inebriation of naivete, delusion, and printing-press money.

Protected by two vast oceans, they have never been seriously invaded, bombed, or occupied (we put aside the flukey War of 1812).

Nor have they ever had to live under communism… or fascism… or a murderous dictatorship. Nor have they ever had a seriously corrupt government… nor ever expressly devalued the dollar.

And now they live in a bubble. “It can’t happen here,” they say to themselves.

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At the time of the founding of the U.S. Republic, however, people had seen what “paper” money had done to England and France, earlier in the century… and what their own “continentals” had done during the Revolution.

The “continental” was a paper money created to fund the Revolution. But by 1780, it “expired without a groan,” having lost as much as 99.9% of its value.

So, when the founders wrote the Constitution, they included a clause designed to protect us from “printing press money,” specifically requiring that nothing “but gold or silver” be used as money by the states.

The states issued their own currencies back then. Now, the feds themselves issue the dollar… with not a speck of gold or silver in it.

Real-World Money

We’ve been exploring how this counterfeit money makes counterfeit public policy… and ultimately destroys an economy, a society, and a political system.

In a nutshell, when you think you can just tap a few keys of a computer to create real money, you’re ready to believe anything.

As we saw yesterday, you may think that it is okay to shut down your whole economy. Why not? You can cover the losses with “money from the government.”

But the “money” from the government is counterfeit.

Real money is part of the real world. It is limited. Like time. You can’t create more of it just because it would be convenient to have an extra hour’s sleep.

And if the feds want to fund one project… with real money… they have to take the money from something else.

That’s why gold is so useful as money. Gold is limited, like time itself. Each ounce of it has to be discovered, dug out of the ground, processed, and stored…

It takes time, investment, skill, and resources to produce gold, in other words – just as it does to create any other kind of wealth.

Lunatic Programs

In this way, gold connects “money” to the real world of time, sweat, toil, and risk.

In that real world, any decision… any choice… must be considered in light of tradeoffs.

How much time will it take? How much resources will be required? What does it take away from the other things we want or need?

Normally, these questions are reduced to a single one: How much does it cost?

But did anyone bother to ask that critical question as the COVID programs were rolled out – the Lockdown, the Rescue, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), and bonus unemployment comp?

The lunacy of the unemployment bonus is obvious. The average recipient actually earned more money from unemployment comp than he did on the job, where he was creating real wealth.

And how about when Kanye West announced his million-dollar bonus for a woman who has a child? Did anyone look at the price tag?

But why bother? In a world of counterfeit money, prices are meaningless.

Even when the programs are quoted in dollars – a $3 trillion bailout… Biden’s $7 trillion “Build Back Better” plan… Republicans’ $1 trillion relief package – these are just numbers.

They no longer represent real costs, real sacrifices, or real trade-offs. It is assumed that no one will ever pay them.

A $3 trillion bailout should come with a $30,000 tax surcharge for every federal taxpayer.

The War on Terror should have been charged to each taxpayer at the rate of about $70,000 each.

This year’s federal budget deficit, the number was $4 trillion. But what taxpayer got a $40,000 addition to his tax bill?

Today, there is no price too high, and no program too lunatic.

Because everyone knows the money is phony… the programs are fake… the economy is counterfeit… the stock market is fraudulent…

…and a bad moon is rising.

Stay tuned…




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A dear reader shares his thoughts on Friday’s Diary, Why Americans Are Losing Faith in the System”…

The reason Americans are losing faith in the system is because the system of the Founders has been corrupted. The Founders gave us the best form of government they could devise. It isn’t their fault that Americans have been duped into believing everything in it needed to be altered.

The Constitution is as near a perfect document of governing as man could have ever devised. If we would simply renew our faith in “Original Intent,” our problems would be solved within five years. At the rate our politicians are thwarting the checks and balances built into our Constitution, we are sure to lose our freedoms and liberties.

– Richard P.

Meanwhile, another dear reader has harsh words for Bill after a missive earlier this month, called, “‘The Donald’ Is Right!

If it weren’t for President Trump and his interruption of Obama and Clinton’s shove to the left, our nation would be headed a lot faster for the same hole Venezuela finds itself in now. Remember, the more people you fire for not doing well at their job, the greater the probability that some opinionated ASS is going to ask their opinion of you in order to extend the list of people who profess they do not like you. I never thought you would be a mouthpiece for those ASSES. Recognize the consequences of your writing.

– Robert L.

Last week, Bill countered dear reader Robert B.’s feedback in “Not a Dime’s Worth of Difference Between Them.” This week, others react to his statements…

Robert’s infantile, anti-Trump rant just goes to show that the Dems are bound for another fall in November. Blinded by their dislike of the president, they think insulting voters is the path to victory. Such self-righteous self-confidence makes me happy. Sure, Trump is a loud-mouth and something of a boor, but, by November, people will be voting for policy, not personality. Grow up, Robert. This is not a middle school popularity contest. You’re deplorable. And I am an independent.

– Kevin N.

Robert B. is one of those people who think they are saints and, therefore, we have to elect a saint to lead the nation! Mary Trump is jealous of her uncle and her cousin’s fame and success. She is a sour grape and nothing more! Her so-called book changed nothing! Beyond personal weakness, President Trump is doing all he can to make America great again! What else are you demanding from him, Robert B.? Wake up!

There is no perfect personality in humans. Trump is the best we have for now. Do you think Joe or Hillary will work their hearts for the country? Give me a break, you self-esteemed people!

– Yuk S.

And finally, another objects to Bill calling the President, “Mr. Trump”…

Calling our President “Mr.” is offensive and totally disrespectful to the office of the president. Whatever else is going on, respect should be shown to – at the very least – the office itself. Personally, as flawed as our President is (as we are all flawed), he deserves respect. The disrespect being slung around by almost everyone, especially the far Left and the un-American riots and racism going on, is beyond intelligent comprehension. For those who are so disrespectful and violent, your grandmothers must be completely ashamed.

– Donna D.

Have Americans been “duped” into altering the Constitutional, like Richard says? Are the riots and “racism going on” un-American, as Donna believes? Write us at feedback@rogueeconomics.com.


[Revealed] The Most Important Tech Company in the World

Jeff Brown has made some incredible revelations before…

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In this brand-new video, Jeff reveals the name of the most important tech company in the world.

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It comes at about the 13:10 mark of this video.


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