Senin, 16 September 2024

This Hidden Player RUNS the U.S. Now

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This Hidden Player RUNS the U.S. Now 

Dear Like-Minded American,

You need to be clear-eyed about the state of the country right now. 

The Constitution is under attack. 

The Bill of Rights? It’s gone. 

Statues of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are being destroyed in public squares.

And on campuses across the country, George Soros-backed infiltrators are chanting, "Death to America." 

This presentation itself will probably be taken down in days — if not hours.

America isn’t what Americans think it is anymore.

And hasn’t been for a long time now.

Because let’s face it, Joe Biden was never in control of anything. 

Neither is Kamala Harris.

So, who's really calling the shots? 

It’s not Obama... or George Soros... or even the U.S. Congress...

But this hidden player who exercises power behind the scenes.

And I can promise you, he will not stop until the entire country is in ruins. 

That’s why I put this presentation together at great personal risk because there are simple moves you can make right now to protect your assets before it’s too late.

Because make no mistake: The final battle has begun.

And there’s not much time to act.

Respectfully Yours,

Brian Hicks Signature

Brian Hicks
President and Founder, Angel Investment Research

P.S. If you do these four things now, not only will you be better prepared to protect your wealth, but you’ll also have the chance to make quite a bit of money as all of this turmoil unfolds.

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