Selasa, 24 September 2024

Senior Resource Today

Senior Resource Today

24 Best Free Places to Take Your Grandkids for a Day Out

As a grandparent, you love spending time with your grandkids and doing fun things. Still, it seems like everything costs money. Kids love going to the movies, going out to eat, and going to the trampoline park…but it all costs money. And it can get very expensive. They say the best things in life are free and with kids, this is especially true. Are you looking for some fun outings that won't break the bank? Or even better, ones that won't cost you any money at all? Here are some ideas for a fun, free day out with your grandkids!

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One Truth About Trump Most People Have Never Heard

One of America's top retirement income experts reveals what he's calling Wall Street's best-kept income secret: "I have details on a secret "income contingency plan" signed into law by Trump before he left office designed to safeguard Americans against financial crises like today's… PBN Income has allowed savvy Americans to collect massive, government-guaranteed income from an obscure and little-known passive-income source month after month — for life."

He's revealing EVERYTHING here. >

What to Include in and Exclude from a Will

As the saying goes: "If there's a will, there's a way." This is especially true when looking at a last will and testament. This document will distribute your assets after your passing. And it can even go so far as to appoint guardianship over your children if they're minors. But it's important to know what goes into this process. After all, these are your assets, property and next of kin we're talking about here. It's worth understanding the impact that a will has in terms of distribution and estate planning.

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How to Prevent and Treat Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Unfortunately, having a parent or sibling with macular degeneration does indeed increase your risk of getting it by three to four times. But the good news is there are things you can do to protect your eyesight and a number of treatments that are available if you do happen to get it.

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Do You Hold an IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k) or Pension?

Brace yourself... because your retirement money is now at serious risk. It all has to do with a law on the books that's designed to eat away at Americans' retirement funds – quietly and efficiently. To learn what's at stake,

click here for retirement expert Bob Carlson's shocking video – along with his #1 strategy for keeping your nest egg where it belongs... with YOU. >

How to Assess What You Need in a Walker

When it comes to choosing a walker, there are several styles and options to consider, but selecting the best one for your father will depend on his needs, as well as where he'll be using it. Here are some tips that can help you choose.

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10 Thrifty Tips for Living Alone After 60

In the US alone, over 27% of adults aged 60 and older live alone. Whether you live by yourself by choice or happenstance, you've probably made the most of your independence. Maybe you enjoy your lifestyle, but for most older adults, finances are a constant source of worry. In fact, one study showed that finances often trouble older adults more than death! Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that way! The choices you make today could lead to a stress-free tomorrow.

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10 Cheap Ways to Increase Your Home's Value Before Downsizing

Did you know that up to 51% of retirees aged 50 and older decide to move into smaller homes after retirement? Bigger houses often mean more upkeep. Nobody wants stress, especially after retirement. If you're part of the 51 percent of retirees looking to downsize, you're already in the right place. Here are 10 cheap ways to increase your home's value before downsizing.

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Protect America's Future: Join the AMAC Movement

Stand with us as we work to restore election integrity, defend constitutional freedoms, and secure our borders. Together, we can ensure Social Security solvency, deliver better healthcare, and protect parental rights. Support our veterans, stop runaway spending, and strengthen national defense.

Join AMAC today and be part of the solution for a stronger America. >

5 Ways You Could Be Hurting Your Relationship with Your Grandkids

My children have been blessed to have consistent, weekly, sometimes daily interaction with their grandparents. But unfortunately, this isn't always a gift for some families. Even within our own, we've experienced conflict and tensions that can—if left unresolved—hurt the relationship between grandparent and child.

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Top 10 Groovy Artists & Bands from the 60s That Defined a Generation

The 60s were revolutionary for many different reasons. Change swept the nation and world, radically altering social norms, fashion choices, and even civil rights. Of course, the spirit of change also seeped into the music industry, giving rise to some of the decade's most influential bands. If you were a teenager in the 1960s, you probably listened to some of these bands and maybe even attended their concerts! Here are the top 10 groovy musical acts from back then that defined your generation.

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5 Reasons Eating Right is More Important as You Age

Eating right is important at any age, maybe even more so as we get older. Eating right will keep you feeling good, sharpen your mind, help you live longer, and stay strong.

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How to Talk to Someone with Alzheimer's or Other Types of Dementia

Whether it's a friend or family member, odds are, you might know someone who is struggling with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. It could be your parent, grandparent, or someone in your community but regardless of who it is, it's important to understand how to speak to them on top of taking care of them. Why? Because, if you can't effectively communicate you might not be able to effectively provide the best service to them whether you're a caregiver or loved one. It all starts with patience and compassion. If you find yourself in this situation, keep an open mind and worry not, here are the best strategies for how to talk to someone with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia.

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Seniors in THESE 10 States Have the Highest Alzheimer's Rates

Alzheimer's. It's a reality few of us want to face. And yet, for over 6 million Americans, Alzheimer's is a reality they have to live with every day. Sadly, Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia, accounting for 60 to 80 percent of cases. And while older adults all across America suffer from this condition, there are a few states where the numbers reported are higher. Keep reading to find out which states top this list.

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Is There a New Medicare Card?

A reader wrote to me the other day expressing concern about a phone call they received. The caller, who identified themself as a Medicare representative, asked a series of personal questions and mentioned a new plastic Medicare card with a chip. Now stressed, the reader wonders if they made a mistake and missed out on a new Medicare card. They're unsure who to contact to verify if Medicare is legitimately trying to reach them and feeling overwhelmed about making the right decision. Is there a new Medicare card? Here's what I know.

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