Jumat, 20 September 2024

Election Year Retirement Warning

Dear Loyal Reader,

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With our country's election just weeks away, I'm urged to give you a serious warning:

A lot of investors are about to get badly hurt by the "cash shock" hidden in this year's election…

Truth be told, elections are one of the most powerful financial catalysts out there creating massive volatility.

So if you're worried about the state of your retirement account — you have every right to be.

But here's the good news — you don't have to leave your financial future to chance.

You see, I just finished an urgent interview with ex-Wall Street insider, Adam O'Dell…

His proprietary system has shown that it could have caught every major market crash over the last 25 years… Including the dot-come bubble, '08 crisis, and Covid crash…

And he just finished his research on the last 16 election cycles — more than 64 years of election data — and what he's uncovered is shocking to say the least…

He's discovered a simple strategy that has an 87.5%-win rate, time tested for 64 years, to build in a presidential election year…

And today, when you watch this interview Adam is going to outline for you:

  • What you can expect to play out in the markets between now and election day…
  • What happens to stocks AFTER election day, and how to take advantage of what the stock market is set to do in 2025…
  • Proven ways — through more than 6 decades of study — to safely grow and protect your money during election cycles…
  • A "two stage" convergence of trends that Adam believes will mint a whole new class of American millionaires…
  • The top two biggest mistakes most investors make with their money during election years that cost them a fortune — and how you could avoid those mistakes…
  • Plus, he's also promised to reveal the name and ticker symbol of his #1 election stock to BUY and SELL for 2024.

All of this is free, right here in this broadcast.

👉 Click here to get ex-wall street insider Adam O'Dell's #1 election stock to BUY — and #1 election stock to SELL for FREE in this new interview.

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Chris Hurt
Event Host, Banyan Hill Publishing

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