Rabu, 03 Juli 2024

Dear Jerome Powell: No One's Falling for This

Did you hear what Jerome Powell JUST said? Here's why no one's falling for this.

Dear Jerome Powell:
No One's Falling for This

By Ian Wyatt
July 3rd, 2024

Fed chair Jerome Powell just said…


The last two inflation readings suggest “we are getting back on a disinflationary path.”


But this is the same guy who said inflation was transitory.


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Speaking at a European Central Bank Conference…


Powell said he is encouraged by the latest inflation numbers.


By inflation numbers he means the “core” PCE index.


Of course, the PCE index leaves out food and energy…


… which is the stuff that’s causing the most financial pain.


Yes, why worry about necessities like food and energy?


The BIGGEST complaint you hear is the price of grocery shopping…


So let’s use a measurement that ignores it.


Nonetheless, the PCE index still managed to rise 2.6% in May.


It rose 2.8% in April…


So Powell used the opportunity to say that “we are getting back on a disinflationary path.”


But there is a huge difference between disinflation and deflation.


Disinflation means prices are STILL going up, just not as quickly as before.


Deflation means prices are actually going down.


So what Powell is actually saying is that inflation is not decreasing… the rate of increase is slowing.


Inflation that accrues and compounds.


Inflation that under Biden stands at 20.3% so far.


That’s why your groceries are still expensive… your rent is still expensive… your energy is still expensive… your gas is still expensive…


Frankly, almost EVERYTHING is still expensive.


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Yours in Wealth,


Ian Wyatt




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