Minggu, 02 April 2023

Big trade on Monday (are you prepared?)

Here are the details on how you can get involved today

Monday will be here soon…

And on Monday, the next trade in my Google Cash Generation Blueprint will be released.

If you're not familiar with this program, let me break down the strategy for you as simply as I possibly can:

When Google executed a 20:1 stock split last year, it unlocked an incredible income strategy for everyday investors.

Previously, to do this, you would have needed $250k to get started. But now, thanks to the stock split, anyone can use the exact same strategy for under $10k

And as soon as you implement this strategy, you will start to do two very powerful things:

  1. Target monthly income payouts from Google stock, one of the richest and most sought-after stocks in the world
  2. Build a portfolio of Google shares and continually lower your cost basis for owning them — meaning you essentially get a massive discount on the stock over time

If that doesn't sound like a strategy you're interested in, you might want to get your head checked.

But if it does sound like something you want to pursue, I've got GREAT news for you…

We'll be meeting LIVE on Monday to go over the next step of the Google Cash Generation Blueprint, and I want YOU at that meeting.

This weekend, I am making a concerted push to get all of my students to attend this meeting LIVE.

Which is why I'm inviting you to join the Google Cash Generation Blueprint today!

In this program, we enter one new trade every month, and we go LIVE together before each trade so we can discuss our entire game plan.

And this is your chance to get in on the ground floor before we do that!

Just take a look at everything you'll unlock today:


If you join now, you'll have time to go through these materials before our class on Monday, so you're ready to hit the ground running.

Then, you'll place the trade with all of us on Monday afternoon…

But it all starts with you joining me today, so let's make this simple:


And I'll see you on Monday!

Trade well,

Jack Carter


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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