Rabu, 18 Agustus 2021

Your Free Report is Inside

Health & Wealth Bulletin

Dear Health & Wealth Bulletin subscriber,

Hi, I'm Dr. David Eifrig. Most folks call me Doc.

As promised, here's your digital copy of Financial Lockdown: How A New Era Of Inflation Will Affect You And Your Money.

Click here to access it now.

I'd also like to welcome you to your free subscription of Health & Wealth Bulletin.

You're joining more than 100,000 other folks from around the world. Each weekday afternoon, I share insights into the market, personal finance, travel, health, wellness, and more.

You see, I started my career on Wall Street working for some of the biggest firms out there... Goldman Sachs, Chase Manhattan, and Yamaichi Securities in Japan. Then I retired and went to UNC-Chapel Hill medical school, completed a research fellowship in molecular genetics at Duke University, and became an eye surgeon.

But I knew I wanted to help more folks that I ever could seeing one patient at a time. So I retired a second time.

That's why I joined Stansberry Research to talk directly with folks like you... In the past decade, I've been able to help hundreds of thousands of Americans take control of both their health, and their wealth.

And right now, many folks are totally missing the biggest threat to their retirement.

They're going about life, business, investing, and retirement planning...

As if nothing unusual has happened to our financial system.

And few seem to realize the repercussions of $11 TRILLION being pumped into the U.S. financial system in the past 18 months.

Today, I'm hoping to change that.

Think of this as your wake-up call. A final chance to see something really important, before the rest of the country catches on.

To succeed financially over the next few years, you have to understand what's REALLY happening in our economy and in our financial system.

It doesn't matter how the White House, the U.S. Treasury, or the Federal Reserve are creating new money and credit...

It doesn't matter what tricks they are using... or how they spin it...

America is about to experience one of the greatest inflationary periods in our nation's history.

And make no mistake about it: Inflation will push millions of Americans down... out of the middle class... out of private retirement... out of private health care... and out of a decent life based on independence and privacy...

Financial Lockdown

What does that mean? And how will it affect you, your money, and your future?

My team and I have spent hundreds of hours putting everything you need to know in one clear, straightforward analysis - including the 4 steps we strongly recommend you take right now. (Click here to access our full new analysis.)

We've posted this analysis on our website, and you can access it free of charge today as a thank you for subscribing to Health & Wealth Bulletin.

Get the facts you are probably ignoring. Learn more about the biggest and most important force affecting you and your money today, and what we believe is inevitably coming next...

Click here to access our brand-new work.

Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,

Dr. David "Doc" Eifrig

Partner, Stansberry Research

All contents of this e-mail are copyright 2021 by Stansberry Research. All rights reserved. Reproducing any part of this document is prohibited without the express written consent of Stansberry Research. Protected by U.S. Copyright Law {Title 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq., Title 18 U.S.C. Section 2319}: Infringements can be punishable by up to five years in prison and $250,000 in fines.

DISCLAIMER: The work included in this publication is based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, and corporate press releases. It may contain errors, and you shouldn't make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It's your money and your responsibility. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Stansberry Research.

If you have any questions about your subscription, or would like to change your email settings, please contact Stansberry Research at (888) 261-2693 Monday-Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Or if calling internationally, please call 443-839-0986. Stansberry Research, 1125 N Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201. If you wish to contact us by email, please do not reply to this message but instead go to info@stansberrycustomerservice.com.

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