Rabu, 18 Agustus 2021

Oh Boy, You Don’t Want to Miss THIS

The Oxford Income Letter

Oh Boy, You Don't Want to Miss THIS

Marc Lichtenfeld

Marc Lichtenfeld
Chief Income Strategist

I just wanted to make sure you saw the most exciting parts of my "Perfect Retirement Income Generator" video...

Because it lays out the VERY BEST way I know of for collecting maximum income in today's low-yield world.

Like when I explain my THREE favorite cash generators I'm looking at right now...

One of them has issued increasing payouts to shareholders every March, May, August and November... since 2012.

Another opportunity now stands at a hefty 7.1% per year...

Since 2003, it's never cut its shareholder dividend. Not once!

To check out the details, I recommend clicking here to finish watching my presentation...

Or you can click here to go to a text-only transcript.

With my Perfect Retirement Income Generator strategies, you can sleep soundly at night knowing you're well positioned to collect steady cash income for years to come.

The opportunities I'm showing you today will become, I believe, the cornerstone of your portfolio moving forward into the 2020s and beyond.

To check out the details, please click here.


Marc Lichtenfeld

P.S. I forgot to mention... near the end of the video, you'll discover how to learn about a very special opportunity...

It's all explained in my report "It's Not Too Late to Maximize Your Retirement Account."

Click here to see how easy it is to subscribe and claim it.


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