Minggu, 16 Mei 2021

Why the Fed Totally Changing Course on Inflation Is Bad for Stocks

May 16, 2021
Unlock These Never-Seen-Before Trades
Wall Street legend Chuck Hughes is about to share the secret behind his Triple Threat strategies.

It's the exact same strategy that gave him the chance to grow his small $5,900 trading account into over $212,217...

In just two years!

Chuck's never shared details with the public on how he achieved that number...

But after some major convincing, WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott talked him into offering a select number of traders the opportunity to not only get in on these trades, but to master the stock market.
See How He Did It
Why the Fed Totally Changing Course on Inflation Is Bad for Stocks
With inflation dominating headlines, many of you have been wondering how it impacts your stocks.

I can't stress enough how important inflation is… But it directly impacts the Federal Reserve, easy money and, more importantly, your bottom line and stocks. The Fed has a dual mandate: keep inflation near 2% and unemployment as low as possible.

Off and on since 2009, the Fed has had the pedal to the metal as far as easy money goes. And it's directly impacted the market — thankfully for the better.

But inflation had been relatively low, which is why the Fed kept pumping money into the system. But now, things are starting to change
And I'm Not a Fan
TOLD YOU: Colonial Pipeline Un-Hacked Early, and Inflation Is Bad
Not to brag or anything, but I like to think I'm pretty decent at my job.

Just like I said on Tuesday regarding the Colonial Pipeline hack, "the near-term result is shaping up to be a small media-induced panic, and that could cause gasoline futures to rise far further than longer-term supply and demand would otherwise suggest."

Well, sure as the sky is blue, the uninformed masses lined up in droves across southern states to fill up not just tanks and gas cans, but storage bins, garbage cans, iced tea containers and even plastic bags with gasoline.

I quote the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission when I say, "Do not fill plastic bags with gasoline."

But, the real news, if old news, is inflation.
Here's What I'm Seeing
The Strategy Every Trader Needs to See
We're probably all aware of what Wall Street legend Chuck Hughes has been doing lately...

So the enormous gains he's pulled from the stock market... and the way he's been helping traders around the globe reach their dreams aren't exactly well-kept secrets.

But now Chuck wants to share something new...

He's revealing the secret behind his Triple Threat strategies that gave him the chance to grow a small $5,900 account into $212,217 plus — in just two years!

And his goal is to help everyday traders transform their own trading accounts this summer.
Be the First to See How
"Thank you, Roger. The material is awesome as all of your information.  I am a single senior with limited income, but trying to learn as much as I can about options."
Lisa S.
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