Sabtu, 15 Mei 2021

MoneyWire: This is Actually the Most Important Infrastructure Boom

Matt McCall's Money Wire

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This is Actually the Most Important Infrastructure Boom

Louis Navellier
Matt McCall

Skeptics like to knock bitcoin.

I get it. It happens with game-changing innovations before they are fully understood.

But it's interesting that these skeptics are starting to come around.

In 2016, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon called anyone who owned bitcoin "an idiot." Now, JPMorgan even has its own cryptocurrency… and the firm is preparing a bitcoin fund for its private wealth clients.

Even more than bitcoin, skeptics love to take shots at the hundreds of other cryptocurrencies – called "altcoins" – on the market.

It's a shame because this might be the single most expensive mistake on the planet right now. It could easily cost investors thousands – and potentially millions – in gains…

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Right now, there's a fuse being lit under the altcoin market. Rich people know this, which is why they are taking big stakes in bitcoin.

They are also taking big positions in altcoins…

  • Mark Cuban revealed in 2021 that he owns a number of altcoins, including hundreds of thousands of dollars in decentralized finance (DeFi) platform Aave.   
  • Tech billionaire and legendary venture capitalist Tim Draper invested millions in altcoins like Tezos, Aragon, Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash.
  • Tech entrepreneur Michael Novogratz has approximately half of his $700 million net worth in cryptocurrencies. He says that every investor should put at least 5% of their net worth in cryptos.
  • Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation have invested millions in blockchain technologies, including for financial services and virus tracking.

To truly understand the magnitude of this opportunity… and why I believe we are about to see a seismic change when it comes to wealth creation in America… you must understand that the blockchain behind cryptocurrencies is truly going to change the world.

Blockchain is so important because it's the latest "indispensable information infrastructure."

New infrastructures like the blockchain are transformative because they can revolutionize almost every aspect of society that relies on the safety and spread of information – energy, government, finance, healthcare, and on and on.  

And let's face it, pretty much every part of our economy in 2021 is driven by information.

Understanding all the ramifications of this change can give you a huge edge over the rest of the world over the coming decade.

Blockchain technology could change our lives as significantly as the internet did.

It powers our digital world today. It has made us vastly more productive and lowered the price of just about everything. It allows us to tap into data, images, and personal information in ways that no one could imagine. It gave life to social networking, e-commerce, video streaming, and innovative companies like Amazon (AMZN), Facebook (FB), Netflix (NFLX), eBay (EBAY), Alphabet (GOOGL), and Yahoo (YHOO).

You don't see these revolutionary new platforms come around that often.

Better than Bitcoin? 4 Cryptos to Buy Now

Bitcoin dominates the headlines, but other cryptocurrencies are ready to make their big move.  See why they could have the same massive potential for gains as early software plays.


The printing press was the original indispensable information infrastructure. Before it was invented, all knowledge was controlled by the elite and ruling class. People didn't need to read or write because kings, queens, and other members of the ruling class would tell you what to think.

But the printing press changed everything.

It pulled Europe out of the Dark Ages. The literacy rate began to drastically climb. And it accelerated human progress at a rate not previously seen… and not seen again until the advent of the internet.

New revolutionary ideas could be quickly produced and shared with the masses. And ancient wisdom from philosophers like Plato and Aristotle could be placed in every person's hand. 

It laid the foundation for the scientific revolution and allowed ideas to be shared and challenged. The ability to spread ideas and form new public opinion gave birth to the French and American revolutions.

We might not have a modern democracy – or maybe even a modern country – without the printing press.

The internet took the next big step, spreading ideas and data faster and more widely than anyone could have imagined.   

And the next evolution is the blockchain. It is also going to disrupt those in power today.   

It's going to change how you search for things online, buy goods and services, borrow money, heat your home, interact with people online, and more. All those activities are controlled by a handful of institutions that have a lock on our media, banking, credit cards, energy, healthcare … even political power.  

When you control information, you control people. But the blockchain, even more so than the printing press or the internet, can't be controlled by a central power.

That's why it's already being called "the new internet" or "Internet 2.0." It gives the power back to the citizens… to the consumer… to the patient and to the individual. The blockchain can make everything more transparent, efficient, and honest.

This is happening right now, and probably only one in 1,000 people understand it. It's about to unleash a tsunami of new wealth and mint new millionaires and billionaires. The next Bill Gates or the next Jeff Bezos may well be a blockchain entrepreneur.

I believe anyone who acts now could turn a small investment into a lifetime of wealth.

Best regards,

Matt McCall
Matt McCall
Editor, MoneyWire

P.S. My research tells me that bitcoin is rising not on speculation or day traders…

But on the sustained, informed, and massive buying of some of the wealthiest people on Earth.

This is a multiyear trend that you don't want to miss out on.

To get the full story, I recommend you watch my new video.

It lays out exactly why I predict the rich are flocking to bitcoin today, why cryptocurrencies are here to stay… and even reveals one of my #1 crypto plays for 2021.

Click here to see it now. And be sure to watch the video all the way to the end so you can get the name and ticker of one of my favorite investments to buy right now – for FREE.

Matt McCall's MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall's MoneyLine podcast! During volatile times in the market, it's tempting to panic sell. And right now, for the first time in many years, the tech stocks that have been leading the market are getting beat down badly. This is causing many people to panic sell in an attempt to cut their losses, but that would be a mistake.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

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The next trillion-dollar companies – the next Amazon, the next Google, etc. – are being hatched in research facilities and garages around the world. These firms will further change the world and revolutionize our economy.

Just as Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft can't function without the internet, the next generation of world-changing, $1 trillion mega winners can't survive without the subject of this report… the super powerful infrastructure technology we call "5G." Learn more here.

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The car as we know it is on the verge of a transformative change not seen since Karl Benz invented it nearly 135 years ago. In fact, the whole transportation sector is now poised for its version of 2.0.

I'm not exaggerating when I say this will lead to trillions of dollars in money sloshing around in the coming decades. What is coming will create one of the five biggest investment opportunities you'll ever see in your life, no matter when you were born. Learn more here.

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The next big breakthrough in battery technology is an innovation that will have multi-trillion-dollar economic implications. I can tell you this mega innovation isn't a matter of "if," it's a matter of "when," and I believe it will go down as one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century.

Those on the right side of this innovation stand to build incredible wealth… just like people did from the creation of the internet and the smartphone. Think of this as your "field guide" for profiting from the next big battery breakthrough. Learn more here.


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