Minggu, 23 Mei 2021

Look Past the Dumb Crypto Headlines… Focus on This

May 23, 2021
Unlock These Never-Seen-Before Trades
Wall Street legend Chuck Hughes is about to share the secret behind his Triple Threat strategy.

It's the exact same strategy that gave him the chance to grow his small $5,900 trading account into over $212,217...

In just two years!

Chuck's never shared details with the public on how he achieved that number...

But after some major convincing, WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott talked him into offering a select number of traders the opportunity to not only get in on these trades, but to master the stock market.
See How He Did It
Crypto Carnage: Why Bitcoin Fell 40% in 1 Week — and Will Keep Falling
WOOF! There's been absolute crypto carnage this week on Wall Street. Coinbase's brief online outage Wednesday morning — due to the major crypto sell-off that began last week — may have been the nail in the coffin for this frenzy.

And now, Bitcoin has erased all its gains that came when Tesla announced it bought $1.5 billion worth of the cryptocurrency and would accept it as a form of payment for its cars.

All within a matter of weeks.

The news got WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott and I talking… and we ended up compiling a list of the reasons why Bitcoin will keep falling in 2021.
Get the List Here
Look Past the Dumb Crypto Headlines — U.S. Economic Conditions
Are Still Improving
I swear, if I see another Bitcoin headline, I'm going to scream.

After receiving incessant "crypto crash" alerts all day, the last headline Bloomberg emailed me Wednesday was "Bitcoin Rises Again."

Bitcoin rises again. Seriously?!

Other than perhaps Peter Schiff, are there people out there who really thought it would never go up again?

We certainly didn't.
Here's What's Really Going on
The Millionaire's Trick Revealed
Wall Street legend Chuck Hughes is embarking on a journey to change lives this summer…

Handing over three secrets he's never shared with anyone before…

And kicking off a select group of traders with a special $50,000 challenge account.

If anyone wants to join Chuck on this never seen before challenge...
Make Sure to Grab a Ticket
"I enjoyed your informative short video explaining the connection between the Fed's interest rates and the stock market. I kind of knew this, but, it's helpful to be reassured of my observations. Thank You for sharing your knowledge. God Bless"

Rubin C.
A Double Top is a chart pattern, characterized by two consecutive peaks in price, that signals a potential bearish reversal of an uptrend.

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