Jumat, 15 Januari 2021

Note to Heaven – get out of the way!

Bill Bonner’s Diary

Note to Heaven – Get Out of the Way!

By Bill Bonner

Friday, January 15, 2021

Give me a lever long enough, and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the Earth.

– Ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes

Bill Bonner

WEST RIVER, MARYLAND – The new administration is setting an ambitious goal for itself.

Archimedes expressed what at least was a “theoretical” possibility. Joe Biden went off the deep end, saying his administration would move “Heaven and Earth” to give people a shot in the arm.

From USA Today:

President-elect Joe Biden wants Americans to get 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots during the first 100 days of his administration, a lofty goal to reverse a slow start to the nation’s vaccine rollout.

Our guess: Heaven will stay put.

It’s the Biden Team that will crawl out of its hole… and venture where no man has gone before… and where none ought to go.

Which is why 2021 is shaping up to be one of the most entertaining years ever.

Failed Stimulus

Yes, Dear Reader, moving Heaven and Earth was just part of a larger program… a $1.9 trillion grab bag of boondoggles and absurdities… including $2,000 “stimmy” checks… pretending to be “relief.” Here’s The Washington Post:

The Biden plan directs roughly $400 billion to fighting the public health crisis, including through a national vaccination program, scaling up testing and contact tracing and providing paid sick leave to contain the virus’s spread, senior Biden administration officials told reporters ahead of the speech.

To fill the lingering holes in the economic recovery, the plan also includes more than $1 trillion in direct aid to struggling families by increasing stimulus checks to $2,000, extended unemployment insurance, rental protections and nutrition assistance. The Biden proposal also allocates $440 billion to small-businesses, local communities and transit systems on the brink.

As foretold, more stimulus is on the way. Biden says the feds have a “moral obligation” to provide money they don’t have to people who don’t need it.

We have already seen that “stimulus” can raise prices (especially asset prices). But it can’t magically turn printing-press money into the goods and services a real economy requires.

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Last year, the feds unleashed as much as $6 trillion in new stimulus, the most ever in one year. Federal debt jumped nearly $4 trillion in the last 12 months.

According to the theory, stimulus is like a lever… You can use it to pry into the economy and lift up growth.

But where’s the growth?

Later in the same article quoted above, the Post tells us that…

Fears that the economic recovery is losing ground are mounting as nearly a million people filed for unemployment last week and the country lost jobs in December, marking the first decline since the recovery began in May.

Yes, the stimmy delivered in 2020 failed to do the trick. The stock market took off. But the real economy still sags.

Just the Beginning

So what’s next? Moving Heaven?

Nah… Just more stimulus, of course.

Even CNN sees which way the wind is blowing:

US debt surged by $7 trillion under Trump. It will go much higher under Biden

President Donald Trump certainly lived up to his self-proclaimed status as the King of Debt during his term in office. The national debt spiked by $7 trillion during Trump’s tenure – and it’s about to soar much higher under his successor.

Biden says this is just the beginning. There’ll be more coming… as necessary. He’s already on the case… with a proposal to double the minimum wage.

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From Bloomberg:

Incoming President Joe Biden will seek to increase the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour as part of his $1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill, a move that could complicate its passage through the closely divided U.S. Senate.

Biden had previously said he would make increasing the minimum wage – currently $7.25 an hour – an early priority.

Nothing is impossible now. Apple is now said to be worth $2.2 trillion… or 40 times its net income. A price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 40 is usually reserved for new companies whose earnings are rocketing upwards.

But Apple is now 44 years old… and its sales over the last five years are almost flat.

So what gives?

Tesla stock is at maniac levels, too; the company is now supposedly worth $800 billion. There is almost no chance that Tesla will ever earn enough to justify that valuation.

Getting Loopy

And don’t forget bitcoin (BTC). It’s a whole ‘nuther thing, of course. Is it good money? Bad money?

We don’t know… But Big Money is going into BTC.

Where does all this money come from? Surely it, too, must be a feature of the feds’ “stimmy” programs.

When money is so easy to come by, everything becomes a little lighter… easier to pry loose and levitate.

That is, when you can replace years of hard work, saving, self-discipline, innovation, resources, and time itself… with fake money…

…the SKY’S the LIMIT!

So Heaven will have to get out of the way.




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In today’s mailbag, more mixed views on Bill’s essay, “Fake Revolutionaries”…

If we don’t turn this train around, we are headed toward totalitarian rule. Democrats are doing what monarchs, con men, politicians, magicians, and other manipulators have done since the beginning of mankind. They are using sleight-of-hand diversion tactics, designed to have mindless onlookers watch one hand while they trick them with the other.

By handing out universal income checks and calling anyone who disagrees with them racists, xenophobes, sweaty Walmart shoppers, and chumps (to quote Joe Biden), they hope to stoke the flames of internal conflict within the country. This diverts attention away from their activity of vacuuming up more and more influence, peddling money and political favors.

– Richard S.

Our nation has become what our founding fathers feared would happen… uninformed citizens. This Republic has been under attack by the Marxist Democrats and Leftists for years. They use Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement like Hitler used the Brown Shirts.

They have been brainwashing our children for years. I doubt if 10% of America’s kids even know anything about civics, or the Constitution, anymore.

– Preston Y.

You don’t often miss the obvious, Bill, but you sure the hell missed it with your comments in “Fake Revolutionaries.” Granted, the imbecilic doofuses who stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday were a piss-poor excuse for revolutionaries, for all the reasons you cite.

But that doesn’t detract from the fact that their redneck “revolution” was a bona fide attempted coup by a deranged wannabe dictator and his cadre of enablers (composed of treasonous Republican politicians, members of his own family, and assorted other sycophants). And it should not be ignored as such, the way you chose to do.

Thank God, Trump’s band of moronic MAGA fascists weren’t as intelligent and coordinated as Hitler’s henchmen, who burned down the Reichstag. Otherwise, we would be living in a very different America. Nor should any of the guilty be excused for their attempted coup on the basis of the fact that it was so pathetic.

– Dale A.

And finally, as Trump’s presidential term comes to an end, another dear reader gives his take on The Donald’s stint in the White House…

Welcome to the Dark Side. It’s quite uncomfortable and likely to get even darker. I only saw Trump as a hopeful, righteous instrument to clean house. His economics is that of “The Crafty Developer” and it’s likely he would have restructured the economy if given the opportunity – not about to be allowed by the powers that be. His “wisdom” is evident in his foreign dealings with friend and foe. Comparing Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, he looks like a sorcerer for good.

– Jac M.

Is there an education crisis in America, as Preston believes? How does Trump’s presidency compare to the Obama, Bush, and Clinton presidencies? Write us at feedback@rogueeconomics.com.


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In late July, the Trump administration oversaw a RADICAL change to the tech world… one that could unleash a huge wave of disruption… prosperity… and wealth creation in the near future.

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