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Many who observed the aftermath of the DC protests have observed that members of Antifa most likely infiltrated the protests and sparked the rush on Capitol Hill. But now, one prominent law enforcement officer is backing the theory.
John Catanzara, the head of the Chicago police union, is convinced that the far-left posed as Trump supporters in order to cause chaos among the protestors.
"To think there's not a possibility that Antifa did infiltrate–even a handful of them in that crowd...to make the optics look bad," Catanzara said.
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You may want to adjust your tinfoil hat because the latest video from Capitol Hill shows police opening the doors to the building and letting protestors in.
It sounds like something straight from a conspiracy theory website, but the footage doesn't lie. The officers guarding the doors to the Capitol opened them up and welcomed the rioters.
People who were on the ground when Chaos developed at the Capitol Building said that's exactly what happened, but no one believed them. But now that we have the video evidence, why didn't the officers try to stop them? Were they in on the plan to storm the Capitol? Or were they so unprepared that they feared to intervene?
This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative Be sure to check out the next edition of the newsletter for more News For Every Conservative!
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