Minggu, 04 Oktober 2020

What’s going on inside APPLE?


Mind Over Markets

Dear Reader,

Apple has a strange ritual that could hand you $299,452 starting just days from now.

See, Apple hosts a Special Event every fall. And at the end of the event, the CEO says: "Wait there's one more thing".

Then the next big iGizmo is revealed, and the world goes into a frenzy.

It's almost like clockwork.

But this year was DIFFERENT -- and that's presenting an urgent opportunity for savvy investors.

Because, just weeks ago, Apple's Annual Special Event… just ended. No "one more thing." (Or so it seemed.)

Did Apple pack it in? Call it quits in hopes of a better year in 2021?

Not a chance.

If my research is correct, Apple's "one more thing" this year will be so MASSIVE it's going to take up its own event… possibly as early as October 5th. (Business Insider and Bloomberg have a similar theory.)

CLICK HERE now to discover the ultimate ace up Apple's sleeve & how to profit...

Don't let this be the "one more thing" you forget to take care of this week. Read it NOW.

Because Apple could drop this bombshell in a matter of days… and when it does, your opportunity to get in on this potential $299,456 windfall could snap shut.


Jim Pearce Signature

Jim Pearce

Chief Investment Strategist

Radical Wealth Alliance

P.S. I'm convinced that Apple's BIGGEST reveal in the coming days WON'T be a new phone, a car, a TV, or a pair of "smart" glasses... And it has nothing to do with "5G."

Nope, those are all small potatoes compared to the ultimate ace I believe Apple has hidden up its sleeve right now.

Here's a quick hint: It's 18X more profitable than every iPhone ever sold...

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