Senin, 05 Oktober 2020

How to Rebuild Your American Dream

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Rachel’s note: Figuring out the best stocks to invest in can feel like a guessing game. And with recent volatility shaking investors, financial security may feel further away than ever for some…

That’s why you turn to the Dispatch. To find the best opportunities that generate lasting wealth… in any market climate.

So today, we had to share this research from our colleague, Teeka Tiwari. He recently discovered an upcoming 28-day window… where certain stocks can deliver as much as 39 years’ worth of gains.

Teeka calls it a rare “Anomaly Window.” And on Thursday, October 8, he’s hosting his 28 Days To Your American Dream event. He’ll reveal exactly how you can see gains like 1,500%... 3,000%... even 6,150%. Just go right here to reserve your free spot.

And in the meantime, check out Teeka’s essay below. In it, he shares six steps to help you build lasting wealth… and regain your financial dreams.

How to Rebuild Your American Dream

By Teeka Tiwari, editor, Palm Beach Daily

Teeka Tiwari

I made my first big haul in the early 1990s, buying beaten-down junk bonds. The year before, I had made just $8,000. I was now 19, and before the year was out, my junk bond play would make me over $250,000. That’s about half a million dollars in today’s money.

That was just the beginning. When I was 22, I remember making $54,000 in one day.

By the time the mid-’90s rolled around, I was making money hand-over-fist in technology stocks. I was young and making a fortune while living my American Dream.

But by late 1998, I’d lost it all. You see, I made a terrible mistake…

Instead of taking small bets on high-risk/high-reward ideas, I was taking massive stakes.

By the time the 1997 Asian financial crisis rolled around, I’d built up a substantial portfolio. But I stuck around too long and got too greedy.

And when the market went against me, I made bigger and riskier bets. I lost all perspective and was investing for my ego, not my bank account.

Within three weeks, I lost everything I’d made and more. I went from wealthy to poor in less than a month. And ultimately, I was compelled to file for personal bankruptcy.

It was a stunning reversal. Here I was, the golden boy who finally got his comeuppance.

My American dream turned into a nightmare. I lost my career, my wife, my family, my self-respect, and for a brief moment I even lost my will to live. I take full responsibility for what happened to me. It was all my fault.

My biggest lesson was I could not build all my investments solely on high-risk, high-reward plays. The next thing I learned was I had to build multiple streams of safe income so I’d always have a pool of self-sustaining assets to build wealth from.

Here’s how that helped me get rich again…

Jeff Brown's Warning to President Trump

I took the income generated from my safe investments and used it to magnify my wealth quickly by using high-risk, high-reward plays. I call these plays asymmetric bets because you can take a small amount of money and greatly amplify it.

So if you position size right, the potential gain far outweighs the risk. A recent example of this is when I made $75,000 from a $700 investment back in 2017. Another investment helped me make as much as $1.2 million from just $1,000.

The key lesson to remember is you can’t build your whole portfolio on ideas like this, because from time to time, those types of investments can go to zero. If that were to happen now, I wouldn’t sweat it, because I am only using the money that is generated from my safe investments.

That means if I blow all my safe income this year, 100% of it gets replenished next year. This is the key to getting really rich, really quickly without ever blowing yourself up.

Here’s the approach I took…

How to Regain Your Financial Dreams Now

To truly build long-lasting wealth, you need to generate multiple, reliable streams of income — so you can fund your higher-paying riskier strategies without risking your financial health.

Here are the steps I recommend you take:

  1. Focus on increasing your ability to earn more money by improving your work ethic and work skills.

  2. Choose to live well below your means so you can save over 60% of your monthly income.

  3. Put no more than 5% (if you’re below 30, you can bump this up to as much as 20%) of your liquid net worth into asymmetric investments.

  4. Put the rest of your money into conservative, income-producing investments and strategies.

  5. Reinvest a portion of your safe income back into asymmetric investments.

  6. Repeat until you’re rich.

More Income = Faster Wealth

It may seem paradoxical. But the more “safe” income you build, the more “free” income you’ll have to speculate on high-risk, high-reward plays that can change your life right now, not 20 years from now.

It’s never too early, or too late, to begin building your wealth. The sands of time will continue to slip away, regardless of your actions.

So why not make the choice today to do something different… Put yourself on the road to happiness and security, and live the dream life you want for you and your family.

Let the Game Come to You!


Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. I had to achieve the American dream not once – but twice. First, by coming to America. Second, by coming back from having lost everything.

I know millions of Americans are watching their American Dream get snatched away from them. That’s why on Thursday, October 8 at 8 p.m. ET, I’m going to share my biggest secret to achieving your American Dream in as little as 28 days

It involves a rare “anomaly window” when blue-chip stocks can deliver as much as 39 years’ worth of gains all within a 28-day window. It only happens once every four years. When it happens, though, all bets are off.

Inside this window, the rules to wealth-building change. They flip… and you can make more on boring, safe stocks in 28 days… than you would normally make in 39 years.

If you sign up right now, I’ll send you four bonus gifts. You can learn more right here

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