Selasa, 21 Juli 2020

The Economy Is a Joke… You Should Have the Last Laugh

July 21, 2020
Tap Into Wall-Street's Best-Kept Secret
CBS News has gone on record calling it a "secret time window..."

And insiders have exploited this window to instantly capture untold sums of cash.

One ex-hedge fund insider has exposed their inside secrets...

And for the first time ever, the average joe could see 78%... 225% and even 540% using Wall Street's money.

Learn how here
From Comedy to Cargo: What Jokes Can Teach Us About the Economy
If I had to pick one George Carlin bit as my all-time favorite, it would have to be "A Place For My Stuff" -- it's a great example of taking one singular idea and examining it from every possible angle.

He is so zoned in to "stuff" that -- intentionally or unintentionally -- he actually starts to think like an economist.

Why? Because economics is the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of "stuff."

In fact, after the Global Financial Crisis, it was the ultimate goal of the Federal Reserve to get the economy well enough back on track that we all might start to go back out and buy "more stuff."

They succeeded… mostly by charging it to their credit cards.

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Here's How You Can Become a Savvy Investor…
Guys, when I'm looking at stocks, I look at more than whether or not the company will simply do better…

A savvy investor will look at the environment and make an educated decision based on a multitude of factors.

Today, I'm going to teach you exactly how to do that. We'll start by analyzing the numbers coming out of the banking industry this week, as well as the surprising news we've been seeing lately from major players like Netflix.

Here's what I'm thinking
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"Thanks Roger; You have been a great teacher and Mentor to me!!!! Cheers!!!"

Sean B., M.D.

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