Rabu, 15 Juli 2020

Rejecting Political Lies

July 15, 2020


Money & Crisis


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Rejecting Political Lies

Graham SummersDear Money & Crisis Reader,

I want to take a moment to talk about what’s happening in the US outside of finance for a moment.

From what I can tell, the primary problem facing the US today is the complete politicization of everything.

Politics is an ugly business. And it is a business in which there is no such thing as objective truth. What is true at one moment is no longer true a month later.

Consider the following…

Throughout much of George W. Bush’s presidency, the media told us he was a monster and a war criminal. That same media is now telling us that Mr. Bush is in fact a great man, simply because he doesn’t like our current President Donald Trump.

That alone is a strange thing. How can a supposed war criminal suddenly become a great person just because of his personal opinions of someone?

If that doesn’t seem strange enough, consider that throughout President Obama’s administration, the media told us he was a fantastic leader and possibly one of the greatest presidents in history.

We now know, beyond any doubt, that President Obama intentionally sabotaged the Trump administration, leading to the first NON-peaceful transfer of power in the US since the Civil War.

Now that is even more serious. Regardless of your political views, what kind of president intentionally sabotages his successor? Can you imagine Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. or some other great leader acting that way? I can’t.

Bear in mind, all of this is just in the last 10 years!

If you go back farther, you’ll find political truths that are even more preposterous and offensive to civility (segregation, woman not being permitted to vote, etc.). All of those were politically acceptable at one time. All of them are objectively horrible.

My point with all of this is that in the world of politics, there is no such thing as objective truth. There are simply political views that are put forth in order to obtain power. And those views change ALL the time.

That is an ugly, ugly world. Which is why I’m so concerned about how politicized our country has become.

The Plot Against Trump (and Why It Will Fail)

Please Enable ImagesThey’ve tried to suggest he’s in Putin’s pocket...

They’ve tried to impeach him on the weakest grounds…

And they’ve even tried to pin a global pandemic on him.

But, one of the most sought-after financial analysts in the world is more convinced than ever that Trump will win a second term, despite the witch hunt in the media.

And when he does it could send one specific stock shooting up.

Find out why and how you could take advantage by clicking here.

A Hyper-Politicized United States

Today, every single act is considered a political statement.

Going to the grocery store without a mask is a political statement.

Watching the NFL is a political statement.

Not openly hating a particular political candidate is considered a political statement.

This is a complete lie.

If I like watching football, it’s because I like the sport – not because I have particular political views. The same goes for just about everything in my life, with the exception of when it’s time to vote, or maybe a handful of other activities.

For me, there are objective realities. There is objective truth, virtue, and other things that were the foundations of our culture before everything became politicized. These things remain true regardless of which party is in power or which political view is mainstream.

Let me give you some examples.

Only a complete lunatic would look at a Van Gogh painting and wonder about his political views.

The same goes for someone listening to Mozart, watching a boxing match, or drinking a Budweiser at a family BBQ.

None of those things involves politics in any way. And if you were discussing those topics with someone and the other person started interjecting political views into everything, you’d probably excuse yourself and walk away.

That’s how life should be: 99% of your life should NOT involve politics.

However, politics is now being forced into EVERY part of our lives.

Buying certain brands makes you a racist… not hating a particular political party makes you a horrible person… supporting certain segments of society (healthcare front-line workers, police officers) either means you’re a virtuous person or you’re not.

This is not real. It is a lie. And I refuse to participate in it.

The only way to stop a lie is to embrace truth. I am doing that.

I hope you will join me, because change happens on an individual basis. And this change needs to happen, otherwise we are all doomed to live lives of nothing but politics.

And that would be objectively horrific.

Tomorrow I’ll be covering a reader question: cryptocurrency. Please continue to send in your feedback by clicking here.

Best Regards,

Graham Summers

Graham Summers
Editor, Money & Crisis

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