Sabtu, 25 Juli 2020

99 Big Name Dividend Disasters to Sell Now

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The Great Dividend Disaster of 2020

Why Companies Are Racing to Cut Dividends to Survive


Fellow Investor,

Please — whatever you do — don’t buy another dividend stock, mutual fund, MLP, or ETF until you finish reading this report.

Companies all across America are laying off workers, cutting expenses and slashing dividends. 

The retirement income you once thought was safe isn’t.

Once thriving companies with exploding revenues and earnings barely have enough money on hand to pay a skeleton crew, let alone pay YOU!

Since this crisis started, I’ve been warning my readers about how declining sales and earnings will lead to dividend cuts. Sadly, the cuts are here, and it’s going to get a lot uglier before it gets better.

Already, some of the biggest and most reliable payers on the planet have cut or eliminated their dividends.

There’s Boeing, Marriott, Ford, Delta, Nordstrom and Macy’s — just to name a few. The carnage doesn’t stop with airlines, retailers, and hotels either.

Traditional, go-to oil and energy income stocks and master limited partnerships like Apache and Occidental Petroleum have cut their dividends as well — thanks to declining oil prices.

And don’t think you’ll find shelter in REITs.

One popular hotel REIT — Pebblebrook Hotel Trust — has suspended its dividend due to “unprecedented uncertainty from the rapidly-evolving impact of COVID-19 on the travel industry and hotel demand.”

Apartment REITS have the same problems, as out-of-work residents can’t pay their rent, revenues decline and owners must cut dividends to survive. 

Even utilities are slashing their dividends to adjust for a drop in cash flow. Both steady-eddie CenterPoint Energy and Enable Midstream Partners have slashed their dividends by 50%.

The Worst is Yet to Come

 I’m Bryan Perry, and I’m no doom-and-gloomer.
But, quite frankly, I’m worried and you should be, too. Over the past few months, our country has gone from the strongest economy in the history of the world to one that’s teetering on the brink of recession. 
All as the world works to constrain the coronavirus by locking down countries and shutting down virtually all commerce — ultimately killing the 10-year bull market.

So it's no surprise the analysts at Goldman Sachs estimate dividends for S&P 500 stocks will decline by 25%! That’s for the average stock. Some are cutting dividends entirely, even in sectors that have been traditionally the safest on the planet: bank stocks, energy companies, and tech companies.

This is a recipe for disaster, especially for those who count on this income for retirement. All as companies shut their doors, fire employees, and see their businesses come to a halt. To think that, last year, global dividends hit a record $1.43 trillion! 

Make no mistake about it — the pace of cuts is about to pick up. How can it not, as more and more companies across all industries continue to see their revenues dry up?

I’m not the only one who sees the handwriting on the wall. Analysts at Goldman Sachs are saying the same thing: “We expect significantly more dividend cuts are likely to be announced in conjunction with the release of quarterly financial results.”

Don’t think for a minute that the stimulus bill signed into law (CARES Act) will help preserve your income. Any company that borrows from the government to stay afloat is barred from paying dividends until at least a year after loans are repaid.

Do you realize what this means?

Many of the companies that you rely on for your monthly income are getting bailed out — but you aren't. If you are counting on this income for retirement, you’re out of luck. 

99 Big-Name Dividend Disasters to Sell Now

If you don’t get out of these stocks now, you’ll find the stock market is a better place to lose your fortune than to make one. They’re all at risk of slashing their dividends after earnings come out.

I can tell you this because it’s my job — no, make that my passion — at Cash Machine to:
  1. Bring you the safest and highest-yielding income investments on the planet.
  2. Protect your wealth in all markets at all times. 
I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years — directing my readers to the highest payers while directing them away from those that will put their income at risk. 

I’m proud to say that during the Great Recession of 2008, our stocks NEVER — and I mean NEVER — missed a payout!

That’s the help that I can provide you right now: to warn you away from the stocks and funds that are about to tank and take your money with them… and direct you to those that will hand you a safe and secure source of income.
That’s why I want to send you a FREE copy of my just-released list of the 99 dividend stocks that are set to collapse. It’s called: 99 Big-Name Dividend Disasters to Sell Now.
It contains my complete list of dangerous income stocks that were once considered safe, like utilities, banks and consumer staples, but are now among the riskiest stocks to own.

Before your copy arrives, I want to give you the names of the Top Five to Sell Immediately. That way you’ll see the kind of once-safe big-name stocks that are set to collapse and take your money with them.
  • SELL: ExxonMobil (XOM) - current dividend yield 7.81%
  • SELL: Annaly Capital Management (NLY) - current dividend yield 15.04%
  • SELL: HSBC Holdings PLC (HSBC) - current dividend yield 4.23%
  • SELL: Simon Property Group (SPG) - current dividend yield 13.04%
  • SELL: Wells Fargo (WFC) - current dividend yield 7.81% 
Mark my words:

Getting rid of them NOW could save you from the massive cuts we’ve seen Boeing, Marriott, Ford, Delta, Nordstrom, Macy’s, Apache, and Occidental Petroleum hand their investors.

The reasons are as simple as 1-2-3:
  1. All are suffering from declining earnings growth and face permanent decline as the world locks down, unemployment rises, consumer spending stops, and manufacturing grinds to a halt.
  2. As a result, their sales will soon evaporate along with their operating margins.
  3. The chain reaction will lead not only to negative earnings growth, but also a free fall in their stock prices as these companies slash and/or eliminate dividends the same way that companies like GM, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and JP Morgan did back in 2009 to survive.
You’ve got to sell them now or risk the consequences.

They’re not the only ones you’ll find inside your FREE report. I’ve compiled a list of everything from big-name consumer stocks, retailers, utilities, REITS, big-name banks, technology companies, and…

I’ve also listed a number of other so-called nonessential companies in sectors that will continue to get clobbered. It is a must-read if you own a single dividend-paying stock, mutual fund, ETF or MLP.

All of which could see their dividends cut 25%, 50%, even 75% — or eliminated entirely.
Again, 99 Big-Name Dividend Disasters to Sell Now is yours FREE. I’ll give you a private link to get instant access to your free copy in just a moment.
All I ask in return is that you give my Cash Machine investment research advisory service a risk-free try.

If you’ve never seen Cash Machine before, it’s a one-of-a-kind, income investing advisory whose sole mission is to provide you with a rising source of safe income in all markets at all times.

We’ve been able to do this by targeting companies with rock-solid financials... expert management... growing market share... and a commitment to shareholders to preserve and protect investors’ money...

Companies like the ones below that are able to maintain their dividends in this highly volatile environment.
  • The 7.12% Medical REIT with 42% sales growth and 34% earnings growth
  • The 7.83% Sustainable Energy Company with 29% sales growth
  • The 11.06% Worldwide Leasing company with 16% earnings growth
  • The 12.31% Covered Call Fund that distributes dividends every 30 days
  • The 10.31% Investment Management Company with 34% earnings growth
  • The 10.36% Business Development Company with $1.5 billion in gross profit
Those are just a handful of the kind of high-yielding, super safe opportunities we’re bringing our readers now… companies that will not only survive this economic storm, but thrive!

This is why Cash Machine is the only income advisory that has been published for nearly 20 years. It’s all because we know income investing better than anyone else.
If you accept this risk-free trial, I’ll rush you our most current issue of Cash Machine along with this second free Special Report, 5 Best Income Stocks to Own Now, featuring the Top 5 companies that will keep your income safe and growing.
All of them poised to continue to rise in this dangerous economy, and make you some extreme income at the same time.

In addition, your free reports will lay the foundation for every new Cash Machine stock, mutual fund, and ETF I will bring you in the months ahead…

Along with our philosophy of investing in rock-solid income stocks and funds with deep pockets and the financial wherewithal to protect your income.

How We Keep Your Money Safe In Dangerous Times Like These

The answer is simple: Research!

It’s an old saying that you should never invest in things that you don’t understand.

And if there is one thing that we here at Cash Machine understand more than anyone else does, it is how to evaluate the underlying income securities for safety.

After all, I’ve been doing this for over 30 years!

Before we invest a dime, we know exactly what we are investing in. We know the strength of the stocks we invest in. We know the REAL safety ratings of the bonds and bond funds we invest in.

And we know whether a mutual fund manager’s methodology is simply a pipe dream or if it can deliver the consistent results we demand here at Cash Machine.

In other words, we know how the dividend is earned, so we know its ability to continue to pay. 

This is why we never owned Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae or any high-yielding subprime securities that caused the 2008 recession! 

If the bankers had put these opportunities to our tough test, they would never have owned any subprime loans in the first place!

That’s why we can tell you which companies will cut their dividends before they do and where your money is always safe. 

Why We Succeed

You see, unlike most research firms that only look at an investment’s yield, our 10-point Must System looks at everything from revenue growth and earnings growth to market share and profit margins — spotting the red flags that most investors miss.

So, for a stock, bond or mutual fund to qualify for our buy list, it must pass a veritable gauntlet of stress tests that my colleagues tell me is 10 times tougher than those of Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, Dun & Bradstreet or Fitch Ratings.

That’s why those that display the pinnacle of income strength are quickly added to our safe buy list. Those that can’t meet our precise expectations are rightfully ignored.

As a result, we reject 999 out of 1,000 income stocks, utilities, master limited partnerships, and mutual funds, whose yields may look attractive on the surface, but whose ability to continue to deliver their high yield is about to collapse.

This is why Cash Machine has fast become the No. 1 choice for income investors who want to boost their income safely, but don’t know where to look or whether they can trust that the yield is safe.

That’s the biggest complaint we hear from investors looking for higher yield. “Soon after we invested, the dividends were cut and our income went down the drain.”

But, at Cash Machine, our 10-point Must System virtually eliminates that risk because our recommendations are electronically evaluated on a weekly basis to specifically shield you from this risk.

This is why the yields on our Cash Machine holdings average over 10%, why our readers have never missed a payout, and why they continue to rave about their safe, high monthly income and total returns.

A Critical Choice

Make no mistake about it. The next 12 months will divide income investors into two very different groups: those who moved their money into financially solid income stocks and are seeing their income rise, and those who did not and saw their income collapse.

Frankly, it doesn't take any special genius to end up on the money side. It only takes the foresight to see where the economy is headed — to see that your previous solid-income stocks aren’t making enough money to survive, let alone pay you.

If you understand this horrible truth, then your next move is clear: move your money to those stocks, funds and ETFs that continue to secure your income.

That’s the help that I can provide you: to help keep you away from the stocks and funds that are about to tank and take your money with them… and move you to those that will hand you a rich and rising source of income. 

That’s why I can tell you now is not the time to take a wait-and-see approach.

Over a recent 30-day period, we saw more companies announce dividend cuts than during the Great Recession.

The places you can turn to for safe income are becoming few and far between. If you don’t act quickly, you will get left behind in very dangerous territory.

Your Two FREE Reports Will Help Protect Your Income and Your Wealth

In this report, I’ve given you a panoramic overview of The Great Dividend Disaster headed your way. I’ve given you a number or stocks to sell immediately and sent you a preview of a few of the income stocks we are recommending for immediate purchase.

Companies with rock-solid financials, a long history of paying their shareholders and the right product mix to continue to see their sales and earnings grow in these dangerous times.

The kind of companies I will introduce you to every month in Cash Machine.

Subscribing means you'll continue to get my updated ratings on our holdings… red alerts on income stocks that may be on the verge of cutting their payouts… all while learning about new income opportunities that will continue to protect and grow your wealth.

It also means that you can count on me to be at your side every month to alert you to the trends sweeping the world and to connect the dots to the companies most likely to profit.

Those who have been with me from the beginning have NEVER missed a payout on any of our holdings and have always earned the highest and safest yields on Wall Street.

In fact, the average high-yielding investment in our Cash Machine portfolios pays a whopping 10.15% annual yield.
  • That’s 55 times more money than a one-year Treasury note.
  • That’s 24 times more money than a five-year Treasury note.
  • That’s 12 times more money than a 10-year Treasury note.
  • That’s 7 times more money than a taxable money market fund.
  • That’s 7 times more money than a five-year CD.
  • That’s 7 times more money than a one-year CD.
All in the safest and highest-yielding income investments on the planet. Companies that are squarely positioned to maintain both their asset value and their income in the face of this deadly virus.

The extra income my subscribers are earning is making a big difference in their lives... doubling, tripling, quadrupling and, as I mentioned above, earning 7 times more than their current income investments.

So, instead of earning $15,000 a year in a money market fund, or $13,000 in a five-year CD, my readers are collecting $101,500 a year in dividend income — not including capital gains.

I don’t know about you, but that’s a lot of money to me. Especially when the only work on your part is shifting into these safe, high-income plays from underperforming CDs, stocks and funds.

This is why Cash Machine is one of the most respected advisories for income investors who want to boost their income without increasing their risk… and why I created Cash Machine in the first place.

As you’ll see, by simply embracing the opportunities, you too can earn 7%, 9%, even as much as 17% annually, with the sleep-well-at-night safety you demand for your investments.

This is your opportunity to join us and secure your income, too.

Here’s Why Cash Machine Is the
Perfect Advisory for Income Investors

  •  You’ll find more than a dozen higher-income opportunities to meet your needs.

    Most financial advisories often treat income investing as an afterthought, offering one or two income plays in the 5% to 6% range.

    But, at Cash Machine, we cover the entire universe of higher-yielding income opportunities, including preferred stocks, master limited partnerships, closed-end funds, convertible securities, hybrid financials, and equity-linked securities — giving you dozens of opportunities to increase your income with the risk you feel comfortable with.
  •  Your money will be a whole lot safer, too.

    That’s because we specialize in one thing and one thing only: Investing safely in higher-yielding securities.

    As a result, we spend scores of man-hours researching each opportunity before we endorse it — and with a ratings system that’s tougher than those of Moody’s, Dun & Bradstreet, Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s, you get the sleep-well-at-night safety we demand from all our income investments.
So please, the moment you join us, be sure to download your FREE copy of 99 Big-Name Dividend Disasters to Sell Now today. They’re all set to plunge and take your wealth with them.
  • You’ll always get winning advice and reliable guidance for safely boosting your income.

    Since I’ve been publishing Cash Machine, I’m proud to say that my readers have been able to safely claim yields of more than 17% — even in this market!

    As a new subscriber, you can count on me for winning advice in selecting the right income investments for you.
  •  Your income could even double right away.
How can it not? The average yield on our Cash Machine stocks is a whopping 10.15% — with our highest-yielder delivering a rock-solid 17%. In your free report, 5 Best Income Stocks to Own Now, which you can download right now, I’ll give you the full details on all of them.
Together, your two free reports will also lay the foundation for every income recommendation I will bring you in the months ahead… along with my philosophy of investing in financially solid income stocks with long histories of paying rising dividends.

AND you've got a 100% money-back guarantee!
  •  You never have to take any risks!

    If you are not 100% satisfied with my service at any time within the first 30 days, I will refund every penny you’ve paid — no questions asked.

    On this simple fair-and-square basis, Cash Machine has become one of the most respected and largest-circulation income advisories in America…
    And the #1 choice for investors who are serious about safely boosting their income and rebuilding their wealth.
When you join us today, you’ll see why, and you’ll be well on your way to safely doubling, tripling or even quadrupling your income.

My special offer makes it easy, convenient and risk-free for you to get started.

A 100% Money-Back Guarantee…
And a $199 Savings

A one-year subscription is regularly $249. However, as part of the special introductory offer today, you can join me for as low as $49.95.

That’sjust 13 cents a day to discover how you can go from a 1.5% money market fund or 1.3% CD to safer and higher-yielding income alternatives that can pay you from 7% to 15% monthly, quarterly or semiannually.

Since this offer comes complete with our 100% money-back guarantee, why not consider subscribing?

Here’s how it works:
If at any time during the first 30 days, you don’t feel that Cash Machine delivers the safer, higher-yielding income you want, drop me a line. I will personally send you a 100% full refund of every single penny you paid.

No matter what you decide, you keep all your free reports and all the issues of Cash Machine with my thanks for giving us a fair try.

Naturally, I couldn’t offer you such a strong guarantee if I wasn’t 100% certain that you would be thrilled with my service. Given the fact that we have one of the strongest renewal rates in the industry, there’s really no risk on my part, or yours!

When you deliver, people stick with you. I’m convinced you will too.

Join me now.

As your reward, you’ll learn how you can begin to collect super-safe yields of 7%, 9%, 15% or more — even in this environment…

And you’ll begin to see how exciting it feels to see your income double, triple, quadruple, even earn 7 times more without risk. Remember, with my 100% money-back guarantee, you have nothing to risk and everything to gain.

Trust your impulse.

Join me now at Cash Machine and own the safest and highest-yielding stocks and funds on the planet, before these big-name companies start to cut their dividends.

I guarantee that joining us now will be one of the smartest financial decisions you will make in your life — or you won’t pay a dime.

Yours for Higher Profits,
Bryan Perry
Bryan Perry
Editor, Cash Machine

P.S. I can’t stress this enough: With Goldman Sachs forecasting a 25% cut in dividends across the board, now is not the time to take a wait-and-see approach.
Your free copies of 99 Big-Name Dividend Disasters to Sell Now and 5 Best Income Stocks to Own Now will guide you away from the dangers and direct you to those few stocks that can protect your income and your retirement in these dangerous times.

My 30-day, risk-free trial and money-back guarantee will give you the opportunity to protect yourself before all hell breaks loose and allow you to decide if Cash Machine is right for you.

If I’m right, joining me today will be your best financial decision of the year. If I’m wrong, you can cancel and get your money back.

And it’s your decision all the way. But whatever you decide, please do so quickly. Time is of the essence.

Act now and lock in my 13-cents-a-day offer!
Click Here to Join Now >
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