Rabu, 27 Mei 2020

Crucial Update to Yesterday’s “Chicago Plan” Presentation


Now that we’re a day further into this crisis, I hope you’ve had enough time to digest everything that Bill Bonner and Dan Denning revealed in their “Chicago Plan” presentation.

By now, it’s becoming clearer that the biggest plans from Congress are becoming reality. A huge ongoing line of credit for banks… bailouts for debt-laden and bankrupt corporations… and actual checks sent directly to most Americans.

What’s happening to our money?

Well, Bill and Dan have put together a comprehensive view of what’s happening… and what’s likely to happen.

Click here now to claim full access to Bill and Dan’s Chicago Plan Research.

They answer questions like:

What kind of moves will Congress make if these plans to fall short of their aims?

How can you protect yourself?

What will happen to paper dollars, bank accounts, and my retirement accounts?

And more…

Click here to see exactly what I’m talking about.

Sherley Mautes
Sr. Client Services

P.S. Think the US Government wouldn’t make a drastic change to our currency? Well, it wouldn’t be the first time. Or the second. Or the third.

The US Government has the power to make big changes to suit its own needs. Normally, it can’t. But during a crisis? Well, that’s exactly that they need to get people to beg them to “do something.”

Don’t wait until “something” is done.

Click here to see Bill and Dan’s wealth-saving research NOW.



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