Rabu, 18 Desember 2019


🤭 Changes 

As COO, it is my duty and responsability to inform you of any potential changes happening with CTN. 

And there are some happening right now. 

Don't worry, we're still the same cool rock band handling things. I'm not going anywhere. But, you may start to notice some slight changes in content and branding. 

Again, don't worry. We're still 100% crypto oriented and will continue to create the amazing crypto content that we've been delivering so far. 

With that said, we're expanding our horizons and we're going to start creating other sort of content as well. From stocks, to politics, to economics, to just about anything important that we feel crypto enthusiasts could benefit from.

If you have any suggestions of things that you'd like to see included on CTN, please hit back the reply button and let me know!


Tony Lewis
COO, Crypto. Trader. News.
Listen. Think. Do.

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