Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

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Dear Reader,

The Office of Inspector General (OIG), a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, recently conducted three monumental audits on the Social Security Administration.

Every year, OIG convicts hundreds of individuals and their companies who misuse or steal taxpayer dollars. Their work recovers BILLIONS for hardworking U.S. citizens like you.

In 2015, this same organization recovered $3.35 billion of U.S. taxpayer dollars due to oversights in healthcare spending during the Obama Administration.

The three recent audits by OIG exposed what might be some of the most irresponsible Social Security errors since they began monitoring government oversights, over 40 years ago.

Based on random samples, the OIG audits concluded that the Social Security employees incorrectly processed claims – leading to a collective underpayment of multiple millions of dollars to people eligible for certain benefits. 

According to the most recent audit in February 2018, a vast majority – 82% in fact – of specific people eligible for certain related benefits – were owed money.

You could be one of them…

There is still time to defend your wealth.

Right now, you could have the chance to take control back over your wealth and future.

We have taken the liberty of doing the heavy lifting for you, by sorting through over 2,700 rules governing Social Security benefits and how to ensure you’re not missing out on money rightfully entitled to you.

We have put together some guidebooks to the most powerful loopholes to make the most of your financial wealth, including (naming just a few):

  • How to have your state send you a check for up to $4,999 in 14 days…
  • A cutting-edge report featuring the next generation robotics technology set to rise from $91.3 million in revenue to $1.1 billion by 2020 (that's 1,100% growth)…
  • And the silver lining of healthcare – that could allow you to collect a steady stream of monthly reimbursement checks for between $937 and $2,275 every month thanks to the healthcare industry.

Today, you stepped forward to claim your FREE copy of How to Claim Your $23,441 in Unpaid Social Security Benefits Within the Next Five Days.

Unfortunately, something went wrong and we were unable to complete your order.

But don't worry.

We will reserve your copy until tomorrow at midnight (EST).

You can click here to claim it.

You’ll also receive a report so potentially lucrative it could actually mint you hundreds of thousands of dollars – even a million dollars – in extra income.

It's called Supercharge Your Social Security: 15 Shocking Benefits That Could Make You a Millionaire!

These two reports are part of an exciting initiative we are launching called Take Back Your Retirement, which contains five reports in total, plus you will receive additional bonus reports, a book, and a trial to our premium publication.

In total, you can receive gifts totaling $461. And all you have to do to claim everything is click here to complete this short form.

To Your Success,

Keith Fitz-Gerald
Chief Investment Strategist, Money Map Report

P.S. We only have a limited number of packages available. And we can only reserve yours until tomorrow at midnight (EST).

Click here to claim this package before it's too late.

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