Jumat, 21 Maret 2025

2025 Market Crash

2025 Market Crash

Hi, my name is Marc Chaikin.

I got my broker's license on October 7, 1966, and since then I've invested through nine recessions, several massive market panics, and more bull markets than I can remember.

And today, I want to explain to you why today's volatility is not a cause to panic.

In fact, here's the data that gives us 90% historical confidence that stocks could post big gains this year.

That's the good news.

Now for the bad news...

The same data indicates we WILL likely see a market crash during President Trump's second year in office - 2026.

No matter what President Trump does between now and then, it doesn't really matter.

I've come to this conclusion by studying more than 100 years of market data and one of the most powerful indicators I discovered during my 50-year career as a quant on Wall Street.

And because this is an urgent situation, I just published a new piece explaining everything you need to know...

• Including exactly when the next crash is most likely to start - I'll show you the most likely day and month.
• What to do with your money between now and then (including my favorite stock to buy right now)... when to begin taking potential profits, and so much more.

You can access some of my new work on my website free of charge, whether you're one of my current subscribers or not.

Just click here to see it for yourself.

Good Investing,

Marc Chaikin
Founder, Chaikin Analytics

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