Rabu, 23 Oktober 2024

Get Ready for Crypto’s Golden Window

This is when crypto's seemingly impossible gains can manifest.
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October 23, 2024
Get Ready for Crypto's Golden Window

Dear Subscriber,

by Juan Villaverde
By Juan Villaverde

When I first started exploring the world of cryptocurrency, one of the first things I did was apply my proprietary mathematical algorithms to Bitcoin (BTC, “A”)

And I quickly discovered something remarkable. 

See, I had applied these same models — including technical analysis — to stock and bond markets for years. 

While the stock and bond markets have a certain rhythm to them, and run in bullish and bearish cycles, they’re not necessarily regular. 

But Bitcoin was a different beast! 

My algorithm — which ultimately became the foundation of my prized Crypto Timing Model — showed the Bitcoin market was more regular and more predictable than anything I’ve ever seen before. 

So I went all-in on Bitcoin. 

Soon I discovered the larger cap altcoins — coins other than Bitcoin — traded with the same regular, predictable pattern. That’s because Bitcoin is the driver of the entire crypto market. 

What I discovered was patterns, within patterns, within patterns. Kind of like those Russian nesting dolls, if you’ve ever seen them. 

If you haven’t, imagine a doll, inside another, which is inside another, and so on. In other words, there can be 10 of them … each smaller than the next, so they fit inside.   

Among them is one of the most important — and one of the most potentially lucrative — patterns in the crypto world.

It’s the long-term, four-year cycle. It is made up of four 320-day cycles that historically break down this way, in order: 

320-Day Cycle 1: Bear market

320-Day Cycle 2: Sideways market

320-Day Cycle 3: Bull market

320-Day Cycle 4: “Golden Window” (where PARABOLIC gains may occur)

We’re going to look at the fourth and final 320-day cycle, which I call it the “Golden Window.” 

So why do I call it that? 


It’s the part of the cycle where the most money has typically been made in the shortest amount of time. 

It’s the final phase of the four-year cycle … and it’s been incredibly powerful. It is where the seemingly impossible can become possible.  

Think of it as the final, blow-off stage of the cycle. In other words, a parabolic melt-up. 

A great example is the Golden Window that triggered in August 2017. 

My prized crypto timing model called it perfectly. 

Click here to see full-sized image.


In August 2017, Bitcoin was trading at less than $3,400. 

But as the Golden Window played out, Bitcoin soared to almost $20,000. 

Bitcoin had skyrocketed 467% in a very short timeframe … handing out an opportunity for a major windfall. 

Meaning for every $10,000 an investor put into Bitcoin at the beginning of the Golden Window he or she could have made $56,700. 

But you would have had to have positioned yourself perfectly for it. And you wouldn’t have had much time to act

More on that in just a bit. Because I want to be very clear here: It wasn’t only Bitcoin this pattern applied to.

Major altcoins also went parabolic during that Golden Window. For example:

  • Neo shot up 1,091% ...
  • Ripple soared as high as 1,688% …
  • And the big winner was Binance coin, which rose a stunning 9,465%.

A $1,000 investment that rises 9,465% turns into $95,650. 

The point I want you to take away here is this: Investors could’ve made a lot of money during past Golden Windows, when the market went parabolic.

But, as I said, you would have needed to time the market perfectly to hit those gains.   

That’s where the power of my Crypto Timing Model really shines. 

Thanks to it, I see a potentially huge opportunity is starting to open up. And I’m pretty confident we’re about to enter uncharted territory for the price of Bitcoin. 

That’s why I’m focused on preparing for this opportunity NOW. And I think you should be, too.  

My recommendation for how to do just that?

Join me next Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 2 p.m. Eastern. That’s when I’ll be hosting my latest urgent briefing.

In it, I’ll break down exactly how my Crypto Timing Model works to identify these key market cycles …

What it indicates will happen in the coming months …

And what three cryptos I believe have the most potential for promising returns in this Golden Window. 

The best part is this briefing is completely FREE to attend. Just be sure to save your seat.

Then, tune in next Tuesday. 

Juan Villaverde

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