Minggu, 20 Oktober 2024

Don't Fall for This Market Trap



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Wealthy Retirement

Don't Fall for This Market Trap

Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist, The Oxford Club

Alexander Green

Dear Reader,

Lately I've seen several messages calling for 50% crashes in the market.

These types of predictions have been around for years.

Like a broken clock, they are occasionally right. Like during the financial crisis in 2008 or the COVID-19 crash in 2020.

But the problem is... most of the time, they are dead wrong.

Trying to time the crash almost always results in disaster.

Investors expecting a crash often stay out of the market when its booming - like in 2009 directly after the financial crisis. And they rarely understand when to get back in after the crash is over.

In the long run, the bulls always win out.

Take a look at this 100-year chart of the Dow...


Yes, there are ups and downs. But in the long run, where does it go?

Up and to the right.

This is why I recommend investors do one thing going forward.

Don't worry about the folks who say they know a crash is coming next.

They have no idea.

Instead, this is the single greatest recipe for success in the markets.

Invest in great companies with breakthrough products... that are beating sales quarter after quarter.

There is no better way to get wealthy.

And with that in mind, I suggest you watch my new presentation on The Next Magnificent Seven.

It highlights my seven favorite stocks in the market right now.

As the old saying goes, "bears make headlines, but bulls make MONEY."

So ignore the doom and gloom.

Invest in great companies and you will be rewarded in the long term.

Good investing,


P.S. Just a few weeks ago, the market was in a panic. The prognosticators were out in force predicting a collapse.

Now the market is back hitting all-time highs.

That's why you always follow this path to make money in the markets.

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