Making monthly payments on your credit cards is a bummer in the best of times. But in times like these, those monthly payments can be a burden. Fortunately, there's a way to minimize your monthly credit card payments that doesn't require you to bend over backwards. Enter: the balance transfer. Transferring your balance from one or more credit cards onto one new card that offers a 0% intro APR promotion means that you can streamline your payments while also reducing the amount you owe in interest -- effectively minimizing your monthly payments! To help you take advantage of this opportunity, we've vetted numerous credit card offers and have found one with a 0% intro APR promotion for balance transfers that lasts a whopping 21 months. After that time, the go-to-variable rate applies, but you'll have nearly two years before that kicks back in. Plus, on top of it's incredibly long 0% intro APR promotion for balance transfers, this card packs in a number of other useful perks, including: - $0 annual fee -- so you can cross that common nuisance fee off your to-do list
- 0% intro APR on purchases well into 2023 (the go-to-variable rate applies once the intro period ends)
- The option to choose your payment due date based on what works for you
So, if you're wanting to minimize your monthly payments and nix a common nuisance fee in the process, I urge you to take action today. The sooner you do, the sooner you could wave good-bye to those hefty interest charges. |
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