Rabu, 13 Juli 2022

Your Crash Protection Packet!


49 days.

That's how long you have until the Federal Reserve plans to enact a little known policy that could send absolute shockwaves through the economy…

But smart investors stand the chance to catch one of the biggest windfalls of the year.


Listen, if your 401k… your IRA… or your brokerage account is getting smoked this year…

It's not your fault.

Over the last few years… The government already printed all the money they possibly could…

Bailouts… $1,200 stimulus checks… you name it, they spent it.

And now, their decisions are wreaking havoc on the retirement accounts of millions of hard working Americans.

Most folks have likely watched as the S&P 500 has decimated their accounts this year…

…meanwhile, groceries, gas, cars, and houses are all getting more expensive.

Things are not pretty - and they sure as heck aren't getting any better.

But behind the curtain, there's an event developing - one that stands to pay the saaviest investors heavily over the next 49 days…


And on Thursday @ 1pm Eastern…

The legendary trader…. Former $700 million dollar hedge fund manager…

The man who predicted THREE of the major dumps this year is going live to cover everything.

His name is Jeff Zananiri…

Click here RSVP your seat and Jeff will send you his "Crash Protection Packet" right to your phone!



Guy Cohen

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