Dear Fellow Trader, |
I am going to issue an Option Buy Alert tomorrow (Feb 28 at 12pm EST). So you only have a one day to get in and get your first trade signal. |
Click Here To Sign Up Now and Get Your 1st Trade Signal! |
This option trade alert will also have a short term holding period (so the trader's funds do not get tied up for a long time). |
The premium on options trades will be under $2 (so the need for a large amount can be avoided). |
Each of these recommendations are published in real time and valid for the entire trading day (so there is enough time to make decisions on the strategies). |
--------I sent the email below on Saturday (Feb 26)-------- |
Last week, major tech companies like Alibaba, Block, Occidental Petroleum announced Earnings. |
This week, the major tech companies like Zoom, WorkDay, HP and more are announcing Earnings. |
Tradings around earnings announcements (Pre-Earnings, Into-Earnings and Post-Earnings) provide a very unique opportunity in current Volatile market conditions. |
Because... |
1st reason - Earnings Season presents short term trading opportunities. |
2nd reason - Trading Earnings Strategy is generally immune from overall market volatility and movement. |
I am closely monitoring Earnings Announcements to find signals with a short term holding period. |
I am going to issue Option Alert (Credit Put Spread) on Monday @ 12pm EST (Feb 28, 2022). |
Using this Conservative Bullish Strategy |
Want the best part of our trades? |
It is a Credit Put Spread Trade alert! |
It will have a short term holding period (so the trader's funds do not get tied for a long time). |
You will receive Credit Put Spread recommendations right into your inbox and in your phone and will get posted in your "My Account" page (so you don't miss them easily). |
And, You will also receive close-out trade recommendations right into your inbox and in your phone (so you don't need to babysit the trade). |
That's all you need. |
...because our recommended strategies are easy to follow and use in your trading. |
You can sign up now for lifetime membership (say goodbye to recurring payments). |
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