Rabu, 18 Agustus 2021

The Coming Deflationary Crisis No One is Talking About

Money & Crisis

August 18, 2021


The Coming Deflationary Crisis No One is Talking About

Billionaire Leaves Crowd In Shock

skyAn audience of a few hundred (including myself) quietly gathered in Washington D.C. a few months back.

That’s when the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, took the stage… and shocked the entire room.

It all has to do with this image you see on your screen… showing a surprising new discovery he’s made.

Not only will this blow you away… it could also transform the American economy forever.

Click here for Elon’s shocking reveal (plus see what it means for you)…

Graham SummersDear Money & Crisis Reader,

Over the last two days, I’ve been outlining how inflation is signaling to us that a crisis is just around the corner.

By quick way of review:

  1. On Monday we detailed how stocks initially love inflation, but that love quickly turns to hate. During the last major bout of inflation in the 1970s, stocks eventually crashed some 50%.
  1. On Tuesday we outlined how real inflation is much higher than the highly gimmicked official Consumer Price Index (CPI) claims. Using real world data, we illustrated that real inflation is almost 8%. The last time real inflation diverged this sharply from CPI was in July 2008, just before the Great Financial Crisis.

Today I want to outline how inflation typically presages massive deflationary crisis. In fact, this has been the case for two of the last three crises: the Tech Crash and the Housing Bust.

Indeed, from a 20,000-foot perspective, the prior two bubbles (the Tech Bubble of the 1990s and the Real Estate Bubble of the ‘00s) both followed a clear pattern.

“Your chance to see this is coming to a close”

Jim Rickards This could be the most important message you see all year if you are serious about securing your financial future.

A famed gold expert has said we’re witnessing a rare occurrence in the gold sector that we haven’t seen for years…

In this short message he urges you NOT to invest in anything until you hear this. 

Click here to see the important briefing.

That pattern was:

  1. An asset class becomes disconnected from reality, soaring to levels far exceeding its historical relationship to underlying fundamentals.
  1. The Fed ignores the bubble, claiming it’s impossible to predict bubbles.
  1. The Fed begins to tighten monetary conditions by raising interest rates.
  1. The bubble bursts, the asset class collapses back to more appropriate levels, and the Fed is forced to employ extraordinary monetary policies to stop the financial system from entering debt deflation.

We typically see an inflationary burst between #1 and #2… which prompts the Fed to act in #3.

This was the case prior to the 20% drop in 1992, the Tech Bubble bursting in 2000, the Great Financial Crisis in 2008, the 20% market drop in 2011, and…now.

FRED Chart

In every single instance, inflation spiked, the system couldn’t handle it, and stocks rolled over and dropped 20%-50%.

This time will be no different. It’s now just a matter of time.

Best Regards,

Graham Summers

Graham Summers
Editor, Money & Crisis

Prepare for America’s Trojan Horse…

vice president harrisThe left’s plan to push America into a socialist nation is
finally coming to fruition right before our eyes…

But what could happen “next” will have a tremendous impact on your everlasting wealth.

Click here to see why…

Three founders Publishing

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