Selasa, 27 Juli 2021

This Hot Tech Will Unleash a Cannabis Boom

July 27, 2021
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This Hot Tech Will Unleash a Cannabis Boom

By Steve Fernandez, Research Analyst, Strategic Fortunes
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Dear Smart Investor,

Imagine it’s 2025…

Cannabis is the nation’s cash crop, and your friend is telling you about a new “super strain” at the local dispensary.

But he didn’t tell you that it was produced using CRISPR gene editing.

CRISPR technology can edit a plant’s genetic code by removing or replacing a specific genetic sequence.

Gene editing will improve the efficiency of growing operations and unlock higher profit margins for cannabis companies.

And that means huge gains ahead for cannabis investors…

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And it has nothing to do with cryptocurrency, space exploration or robotics. But this coming tech revolution is expected to boom 2,471% over the next seven years.

Find out what’s going on in this new video presentation from Ian King.

Rapid Innovation in the Cannabis Industry

Cannabis companies will use CRISPR technology on a large scale to control traits like disease resistance, climate tolerance and cannabinoid production.

By optimizing these traits, they’ll see bigger and higher-quality yields.

Scientists are even working on boosting the amount of THC and CBD produced without requiring more growing area.

As CRISPR scales and becomes more mainstream, I expect rapid innovation to unfold in the cannabis industry.

The technology can produce new strains within a matter of weeks, so it shouldn’t take long to produce the best quality plants.

And cannabis businesses acknowledge CRISPR’s potential.

Canopy Growth Corp. (Nasdaq: CGC), the second-biggest cannabis company in the world, paid more than $300 million to get exposure to the technology.

In 2018 Canopy acquired Ebbu, a startup that developed one of the earliest platforms for manipulating cannabis genomes with CRISPR.

In December 2020, an Israeli startup called CanBreed became the first cannabis company to be granted a CRISPR license.

In April 2021, the company launched a small farm in California, where it will be producing hemp seeds.

Invest in CRISPR and Cannabis Now

These developments suggest CRISPR gene-editing technology is maturing and has a place in the cannabis industry.

But the adoption of CRISPR is still in the early stages, and investors have the potential to make huge gains in the years ahead.

To get exposure to CRISPR and cannabis stocks now, you can buy the Ark Genomic Revolution ETF (ARKG) and the Amplify Seymour Cannabis ETF (NYSE: CNBS).


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Steve Fernandez
Research Analyst, Strategic Fortunes

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